Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT2210 (AF:248654 AR:136159)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching falls within the elective courses of the degree course in Languages, Civilizations and Sciences of Language and aims to provide students with tools for advanced understanding of European economic and social history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Key issues of economic, social and mental transformations between the industrial revolution and globalization will be addressed. The aim is also to provide knowledge on the main dynamics of globalization and of the transformations in the social dynamics caused by it. Objectives of the course are: to develop critical reflection skills on European economic and social history and on the process of globalization. Achieving these goals allows the student to acquire advanced knowledge for the historical understanding of the current European economy and society, and to reflect on its conditions independently.
The course aims at the following learning objectives:
a) knowledge and understanding at an advanced undergraduate level of the major trends of European economic and social history after 1750 and of economic globalization;
b) to apply this knowledge to present society and economy through an improved understanding of how they have been influenced by past developments;
c) to promote the autonomy of judgment by classroom discussions;
d) to promote communication abilities by offering the opportunity of proposing classroom presentations on a volunteer basis;
e) to promote the learning ability so as to develop and consolidate competence in the field of historical, sociological and economics reading, and elaborating a critical judgment in oral and written form.
Good knowledge of European history of the 19th and 20th centuries
During the first part of the course will be analysed the economic changes which produced the industrial and urban transformation of Europe. The most important social changes which the economic transformation brought about will then be considered. Another part of the course will be dedicated to the social changes which occurred more recently, producing a "liquid" post-industrial society, increasing uncertainty, and the revival of a desire for community. The course will end with a reflection on the economic changes provoked by the period of globalization.
Compulsory readings:
Compendium "Industria e industrializzazione. Alcuni concetti", downloadable from the Moodle platform related to this course;
E. DE SIMONE, Storia economica. Dalla rivoluzione industriale alla rivoluzione informatica, Milano, FrancoAngeli, second edition, pp. 35-207 (oppure terza edizione del 2010: capitoli II-V, pp. 35-208; quinta edizione 2014: capitoli 4-17, pp. 29-202).(or third edition 2010: chapters 2-5, pp. 35-208; fifth edition 2014, chapters 4-17 pp. 29-202.
C. HEYWOOD, Society, in: The Nineteenth Century, ed by T.C.W. Blanning, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York 2000, pp. 47-77.
R. BESSEL, Society, in: Europe 1900-1945, ed by Julian Jackson, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York 2002, pp. 116-137.
H. KAELBLE, Social history, in: Europe since 1945, ed by Mary Fulbrook, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York 2001, pp. 53-94.
Z. BAUMAN, Modernita liquida, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2002, pp. 160-216
L. SEGRETO, L'economia mondiale dopo la guerra fredda, il Mulino, Bologna 2018, pp. 99-127 (chapter 4)

Students who will NOT ATTEND more than 11 of the 15 lessons ("non frequentanti"), must add the reading of R.E. BALDWIN and P. MARTIN, Two waves of Globalization: Superficial Similarities, Fundamental Differences, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge (MA) 1999 Working Paper 6904, 33 pp.; the paper can be downloaded at
The proficiency test consists of two parts, which account for 50 percent of the vote each:
• i) answers of about 100 words to five different questions, related to the various topics of social and economic history treated by the texts in the reading program (up to 15 points);
• ii) a classroom essay on a subject communicated by the teacher at the beginning of the exam, which must be treated on the basis of one or more of the compulsory readings in the reading program (up to 15 points).

Given the present Covid-19 health emergency, the proficiency test will be held ONLINE in the open book modus, through the use of the Moodle platform, and interaction with the teacher requiring also the use of google Meet and your @stud.unive account.

IMPORTANT! The examination is strictly limited to students who are regularly registered to the exam via the online registration procedure.
The prevailing teaching method is lecturing. Students are invited to contribute with critical questions and comments to the classroom discussion. They will also have the opportunity of presenting themselves themes and texts to the class on a voluntary basis.
It is recommended that you download and carefully read the moodle materials related to this course.

NOTA BENE: Students intent on applying for final exam, Erasmus etc. are asked to inquire with the offices on the deadline for recording the grade useful for the application, and to register for exams not too close to those deadlines. Note that this teacher will perform only those recording operations that the software esse3 allows him to perform autonomously.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/04/2020