Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0180 (AF:296948 AR:165552)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 3
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is inserted between the basic disciplines common to the Program of Study and aims to provide an adequate critical knowledge of Italian literature and the fundamental tools for the textual interpretation. The teaching activity aims to start an analysis historically and philologically aware of the literary texts, founded on the mastery of the technical language.
The achievement of these instructional goals allows the student to acquire the bases for an in-depth learning of the culture and society of the triennial languages developing the skills of comparison and evaluation.
By the end of this course the student will know the historical and cultural context of the Italian literary civilization and will know how to correctly use a specialistic lexicon of base. It is expected to be able to understand, to analyze and to interpret the literary texts object of the course with the appropriate methods and tools, to identify and to examine themes, topics and ideas developed by the treated authors, to organize the contents in appropriate synthesis operating comparisons between texts also belonging to the European literature, to formulate a reasoned judgment of value.
To adequately follow the lessons the student must possess the essential lines of the history of Italian literature and easily move between the texts and the authors of greater importance, recognize the formal and linguistic aspects of a text, have a good knowledge of the Italian language written and oral.
Between neoclassicism and romanticism: thematic recurrences in the writing of Ugo Foscolo.
The course aims to retrace the most significant places of Foscolo's writing in poetry and prose through the recurrences of the themes that characterize it, highlighting the specific ways in which they are from time to time declined. An anthological choice will be proposed of Foscolo's texts. For the purposes of the exam, a complete reading of “Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis” is required in the edition indicated in the bibliography.
A useful term of comparison for the purposes of analysis will be the categories of neoclassicism and romanticism, which constitute the cultural and literary references of the historical period during which Ugo Foscolo worked.
- A good commented text of the poems to be chosen from the following:
U. Foscolo, "Le poesie", a cura di M. Turchi, Milano, Garzanti;
U. Foscolo, "Poesie", a cura di M. Palumbo, BUR Rizzoli;
U. Foscolo, "Rime", a cura di M. Cerruti, Milano, Feltrinelli.
- Ugo Foscolo, "Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis", a cura di M. A. Terzoli, Carocci, 2012.

- M. Palumbo, "Foscolo", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010;
- C. Del Vento, "Appunti sul problema critico dei 'Sepolcri' tra Otto e Novecento", in A. Bruni, B. Rivalta (a cura di), "I Sepolcri', la poesia e la fortuna", Bologna, Clueb, 2010, pp. 193-204;
- G. Nicoletti, "Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis", in "Letteratura Italiana. Le Opere. Volume III, Dall'Ottocento al Novecento", Torino, Einaudi, 1995, pp. 27-68;
- M. Pastore Stocchi, "Il delitto di Jacopo Ortis", in «Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana», XCVI, 1979, 493, pp. 72-97.

- The literary-historical context: Neoclassicism and Romanticism into a good literature handbook: C. Segre-C. Martignoni, “Testi nella storia”, Milano, Bruno Mondadori.

Non-attending students must add the following essays:
- M. Cerruti, "L"inquieta brama dell'ottimo. Pratica e critica dell'antico" (1796-1827), Palermo, Flaccovio, 1982, pp. 147-191;
- M. Rusi, "Breve nota foscoliana: sul problema dell'unità nei 'Sepolcri'", in A. Csillaghy, A. Riem Natale, M. Romero Allué, R. De Giorgi, A. Del Ben, L. Gasparotto (a cura di),"Un tremore di foglie. Scritti e studi in ricordo di Anna Panicali", Udine, Forum, vol. 1, pp. 435-443.

The final verification of learning consists in an oral exam of about 30 minutes on the topics discussed and in-depth on the texts. The student must show to know the historical and cultural context, object of the course, to be able to frame, analyze and comment appropriately the texts and to be able to expose correctly and clearly the contents.
The evaluation criteria respond to different skill levels: from the minimum level of correct understanding of the meanings and the elements of historical-cultural contextualization of the literary texts at the highest level of knowledge deepened of the contents and the ability of critical reorganization of the same and of excellent exhibition competence.
Lectures: discussion of historical-literary and theoretical issues and analysis of texts subject to study.
Editions provided with comments are necessary for non-attending students; others will be able to use the texts that I will insert in the moodle space.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/07/2019