Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0324 (AF:302536 AR:167152)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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Cultural intercultural transcultural education and social training

The course is included in the masterly course of Philosophy and of Labor Social Citizenship and Interculturality. The program presents the theoretical models and active processes that promote intercultural knowledge and practices in the field of teaching and social action.
Special attention is given to the cultural and social condition of postcolonialism in the complex society
a) Knowledge and understanding skill, of knowledge processes and of cultural, intercultural and transcultural training. Knowledge of models of inclusive, social, intercultural and post-colonial pedagogy. Knowledge of elements of international, European and national laws.
b) knowledge and learning skills of techniques and intervention strategies applied to different contexts of intercultural experiences in educational and social frameworks; individual or group research and planning skills.
c) Independent judgment: Ability to select the most reliable and relevant sources within legislative, educational and social frameworks ; to critically analyze and discuss the working materials proposed; to autonomously elaborate the course readings and to bring personal or group experiences in order to extend the knowledge.
d) Communicative skills: ability to communicate and discuss effectively in the language of the course or in other practiced languages, personal experiences, individual and/or group research.
e) Metacognitive learning skills. Ability to compare and differentiate levels
Culture, intercultural, multiculturalism, transcultural, postcolonialism
Interculturality of knowledge and of practices of intervention in the complex society

Social education: primarily an anthropological and pedagogical process
Conceptions of interculturalism: from culturalism to postculturalism, to neo-colonialism, to tranculture.
Social, cultural, identitarian structures involved in the difference and diversity
Intercultural education and transcultural of the social: contexts, patterns, strategies, interventions.
National and international legislation.

Test bibliography for 6 CFU
A cura di P. Ellerani, Intercultura come progetto pedagogico, Pensa Lecce, 2014
Appadurai A., Modernità in polvere, Meltemi, Roma, 2002 (2012)
Lecture notes of the teacher.

Test for students to 9 CFU
A cura di P. Ellerani, Intercultura come progetto pedagogico, Pensa Lecce, 2014 ( 200 pagine)
Appadurai A., Modernità in polvere, Meltemi, Roma, 2002 (2012)
Lecture notes of the teacher.
Optionally one of the following research

Mellino M., La critica postcoloniale: decolonizzazione, capitalismo e cosmopolitismo nei postcolonial studies, Meltemi 2005 ( online)
Loomba Annie, Colonialismo/postcolonialismo, Meltemi 2006
Romoeuf M.B., Manai F, Memoria storica del postcolonialismo, Peter lang 2015
Fornari E., Linee di confine tra filosofia e pstcolonialismo, Bollati Boringhieri , 2011
Timeto f., Culture della differenza, UTET, 2008
Said E. Orientalismo, Feltrinelli 2012
Appadurai A., Modernità in polvere, Meltemi, Roma, 2002 (2012)
Bhabba H.K., Nazione e narrazione Meltemi 2000
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Critica della ragione postcoloniale. Verso una storia del presente in dissolvenza, Meltemi 2016
Gilroy P., The Black Atlantic. L'identità nera tra modernità e doppia coscienza, Meltemi 2003

The final test is oral and individual
Lectures, readings, seminars, laboratory research, brainstorming
Online in English and / or French documentation
Further information
Students with different credits should contact the teacher for examination texts.
SEMINARS monthly credited (

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/03/2020