Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0462 (AF:306539 AR:166046)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
In line with the general training objectives of the Master Degree in Environmental Sciences, the course contributes to provide the knowledge to evaluate environmental resources and formulate hypotheses for their management, planning and conservation, including the integration of environmental issues with regulatory systems and economic paradigms.
With reference to the specific training objectives of the Master in Environmental Sciences, the course contributes to: 1) providing knowledge and advanced skills related to the analysis of green and environmentally friendly products and industrial processes; 2) provide in-depth knowledge aimed at the application and development of methodologies for the assessment and management of environmental sustainability; 3) to train graduates able to operate in specific professional fields also in different scales of investigation and intervention for the resolution of environmental problems both locally and globally, developing the ability to evaluate and apply the best environmental solutions and / or tools applicable for companies both for the purpose of environmental protection and as instruments of competitiveness for the market; 4) to achieve concepts and technical skills needed by the firms to act in the environmental context according to duties and opportunities.
Knowledge and understanding
The student will acquire knowledge and understanding on the tools for improving the environmental performance of companies.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student must have acquired the skills necessary to implement environmental sustainability in the assessment and management of environmental resources, industrial products and technologies.

Autonomy of judgment
Students must have acquired independent judgment on the environmental problems related to business activities, be able to assess the quality of the environmental data associated with them, know how to identify the most suitable environmental tools to support a sustainable business management both with the purpose of protecting the environment and as tools of competitiveness for the market.

Communication skills
The student must have developed communication skills using the basic linguistic terminology in all the processes of application and communication of the acquired knowledge. Therefore, the ability to communicate verbally and in writing to the public with language properties both in Italian and in English, also using multimedia tools.

Learning ability
The student must have developed the ability to formulate and argue simple hypotheses, also developing a critical approach to the evaluation of alternative hypotheses. Knowing how to interact with peers and with the tutor, in a critical and respectful way. Being able to consult critically the reference texts and the bibliography contained in them. Know how to use dedicated tools.
Basics of Environmental economics and politics, enviromental law.
The course will describe the firm's system and its relations with environmental compartments, which should not be perceived only as duties but as opportunities for development and inclusion in new markets, so that firms can be considered as actors for sustainability. This will be achieved by presenting some tools relevant for improving environmental performance of firms such as: waste management, environmental labelling, environmental management systems, implementation of the REACH regulation.
Slides sent by the teacher and lecture notes

M. BAGLIANI e E. DAMSERO, Politiche per l'ambiente: dalla natura al territorio, 2011. Torino, UTET.
Written exam consisting of open questions to be answered in 1,5 hours (70% of final score).
Evaluation of ppt presentations concerning issues discussed during the lectures and provided by students during the course will also be considered (20 % of final score).
Active participation to lectures is positively evaluated (10% of final score).
For students not attending the course the examination procedures will be agreed with the teacher.

Working groups and presentations concerning issues discussed during the lectures, provided by students.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 22/07/2019