Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007P (AF:306932 AR:166360)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Class 3
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course, as part of the LCSL degree course, will develop and improve the linguistic skills acquired during the previous year. In particular, it will develop the students' skills in terms of the metalinguistic and textual analyses required to understand and produce texts in English in communicative contexts that include everyday as also academic and specialized situations.
The course consists of a Professor's module held in the second semester and a year round language practice course ("esercitazioni") closely integrated with the module and coordinated by the Professor. The general aim is to consolidate the metalinguistic competences needed to understand the English language as it is used in everyday communicative situations, both in general and in academic or specialized contexts.

Knowledge and understanding:
The student will gain theoretical and applied knowledge of the English language. The course will have a particular focus on the English morphology, syntax, lexis, and discourse organization.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to understand, analyse and produce autonomously multimodal texts in English produced for specific communicative contexts. The students will also be able to individuate the register and the discipline of the texts, analysing them from a diaphasic and diamesic perspective.

Making judgements:
The student will be able to analyse complex texts produced in English.

The student will be able to appropriately interact and discuss the extra-linguistic factors (socio-cultural, historical and political) that induce linguistic variation and change in English. In so doing, the student will demonstrate they have reached the C1 level of the CEFR.

Learning skills:
The student will be able to select appropriate bibliographical sources (printed and in digital form) to enhance their knowledge on the topics studied in the Professor’s module as well as their general linguistic competence. In the following academic year, the student will take advantage of what they have learned in the English Language 2 course to study the contents of the English Language 3 course. The student will be able to self-assess their progress with respect to their metalinguistic and communicative competence in English.
B2+ level of the CEFR, obtained after having successfully passed the English Language 1 course.
Module to be attended by students in the International Politics (M-Z) curriculum.

Title of the theoretical module: AN INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH IN DISCOURSE

The theoretical module will provide the student with some preliminary theoretical and methodological frameworks that they will use to understand, analyse and produce texts in English produced in everyday, academic and specialized communicative contexts. In particular, the student will observe and analyse the lexicogrammatical features and the organizational structure of authentic multimodal texts from diaphasic and diamesic perspectives. The contents provided by the theoretical module will be put into practice during the "esercitazioni" with the CEL.
Professor’s module (attenders and non-attenders):
- Coccetta, Francesca (2016). Access to Discourse in English through Text Analysis. A Preparatory Guide for Undergraduate Students. Como-Pavia: IBIS.
- Dispense caricate in Moodle (http://moodle.unive.it/ ).

Reference book for the specific terminology used in the Professor’s module:
- Biber, Douglas, Conrad, Susan, Leech, Geoffrey (2002). Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Longman

Optional suggested reading list:
- Baldry, Anthony / Thibault, Paul (2006). Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis. A Multimedia Toolkit and Coursebook. London and Oakville: Equinox.
- Biber, Douglas / Conrad, Susan (2009). Register, Genre, and Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Eggins, Suzanne (2004). An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. Second Edition. London and New York: Continuum.
- Eggins, Suzanne / Slade, Diana (2006). Analysing Casual Conversation. London and New York: Equinox.
- Gotti, Maurizio (2011). Investigating Specialized Discourse. New Edition. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Halliday, M.A.K / Hasan, Ruqaiya (1989). Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-semiotic Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Halliday, M.A.K. / Martin, J.R. (eds.) (1993). Writing Science. Literacy and Discursive Power. London and New York: Routledge.
- Hyon, Sunny (1996). "Genre in Three Traditions: Implications for ESL". TESOL Quarterly, 30/4, pp. 693-722.
- Kress, Gunther / van Leeuwen, Theo ([1996] 2006). Reading Images. The Grammar of Visual Design. Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge.
- Sindoni, Maria Grazia (2011). Systemic-functional Grammar and Multimodal Studies. An Introduction with Text Analysis. Como-Pavia: IBIS.
- Swales, John (1990). Genre Analysis. English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Swales, John (2004). Research Genres. Explorations and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Thompson, Geoff (2014). Introducing Functional Grammar. London and New York: Routeledge.

Coursebooks for the language practice classes with the CEL:
- Soars, Liz / Soars, Paul (2010). New Headway Advanced. Fourth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [class]
- Foley, Mark / Hall, Diane (2012). MyGrammarLab. Advanced C1/C2. Pearson. [reference grammar]
- Paterson, Ken / Wedge, Roberta (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP: English Grammar and Practice for Academic Purposes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [optional reference grammar]
The expected learning outcomes of English Language 2 are assessed in a structured exam at the end of the second semester. The exam is composed of two parts: assessment for the theoretical module (50 minutes) and language test (ca. 2h 30 mins).

The theoretical part is assessed in a structured written exam to test the student's competence in the theoretical contents provided in the theoretical module. The test will include direct questions and a brief open answer.

The general language test will assess whether the student can apply the theoretical notions of the module to: 1) the production of a written academic text; 2) the listening comprehension at the C1 level of an academic text (e.g. a TED Talk); 3) the reading comprehension of an academic text at the C1 level.

1 to 3 extra marks to the final mark can be added by taking the SPEAKING test, to be taken with one of the CELs during the academic year (during the E2 practice classes). The Speaking test is not compulsory but the student is warmly encouraged to take it.

To successfully pass the language test, the student has to reach the mark of at least 18. The language test will not be marked if the student has not passed the Professor's module. The Professor's module and the language test will be taken on the same day. For further information, please contact Professor Coccetta (francesca.coccetta@unive.it).
The English Language 2 course is composed of two parts:
1. Theoretical module (Professor Francesca Coccetta) - blended course;
2. Language practice ("esercitazioni", ca. 240 hours in class) with the CEL to develop the C1 level (written and spoken language).

Traditional teaching methods will be integrated with the use of multimedia resources and by the students' active participation to the class activities given by the Professor aiming to train the student in identifying and analysing the lexicogrammatical features and organizational structure of multimodal texts. During the module course, the students will be provided with mock exams.
Please note that:
- the Professor's module is a blended course held in English and starts in the second semester;
- the module materials and the classes will be available on Moodle;
- the CEL classes start in the first semester and end in May 2019.

The students who attended the course in the previous academic years should contact Professor Coccetta (francesca.coccetta@unive.it) to agree on the contents of the exam.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 04/07/2019