Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007W (AF:310648 AR:174320)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
0 out of 12 of ROMANIAN LANGUAGE 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
Course year
Objectives formatives:
Romanian language livel A1-A2
The Romanian language exercises aim to promote knowledge and understanding of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical structures of the Romanian language_
At the end of the course the student gets a learning ability and Communication skills, moreover he will be able to use this knowledge in order to continue with the further learning step.
For the Romanian language 1 class is not requested any prerequisite.
Short history of Romanian language
Phonetic elements and phonology of Romanian language, basic elements of the morphology of the name of the pronoun, of the adjective and all categories associated with them (gender, number, case) and the verbal system, including all its categories (person, time, mode).
Lexicon. Thematic vocabulary and conversation.
Orthography elements.
The Romanian language exercises aim to promote knowledge and understanding of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical structures of the Romanian language.
Referral texts
Kohn, Daniela, PULS. Manual de limba română pentru străini, 2 voll., livello A1-A2, Polirom, Iaşi 2009 (textbook, to always take to the course).
Nicoleta Neşu, Valentina Negriţescu, Grammatica d’uso della lingua romena, Hoepli, Milano 2014.
Valentina Negriţescu, Davide Arrigoni, Grammatica romena. Morfologia, sintassi ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2009.
Dicţionar român-italian, coord. Doina Derer, Gramar, Bucureşti.
Dicţionar italian-român, coord. Alexandru Balaci, Gramar, Bucureşti.
Bunget, Ileana, Comunicare in romeno. Corso di lingua romena per italiani,
Hoepli, Milano 2010.
The books are found in the Library of the Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice and can be consult on site (Palazzo Correr, Campo Santa Fosca, Cannaregio, 20131).
The method applied to verify that the objectives have been achieved is the compulsory written test, contain grammar test, reading comprehension, writing and translation. This structure allows us to check that the degree of knowledge of grammatical structures of each level has been reached.
Lectures, exercises, conversation, evaluation exercises. Working in a group, individual projects.
The student who can’t attend the exercise course and wants to study by himself (it is not advisable especially for the beginners) has to communicate it to the teacher within 15 nov. 2019 in order to be given the homework to prepare. The presentation of the homework is the condition which allows him to do the partial exam . The homework will be evaluated and part of the final marK.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/05/2020