Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI03V (AF:310677 AR:175626)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the core educational activities of Iberian Studies curriculum of the Master's Degree Programme in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures. It aims to increase the theoretical knowledge of the short stories, verifying its importance in the postcolonial Portuguese literature.
To stimulate and promote the development of a critical thinking towards the culture of different Portuguese-speaking spaces through the reading of short stories; strengthen the understanding of literature also as a way of expressing "restlessness" and of the short story as an inter local in which different cultures can be articulated.

To deepen the theoretical knowledge of the short story and verify its importance in the postcolonial Portuguese language literature; treat the "theories of difference" in an articulated way with other concepts on intercultural relations, addressing issues such as inclusion and exclusion; prejudice or stereotype; identity and otherness, resistance and resilience.

To provide means for comparative discussion regarding the subjective elaboration of dictatorial regimes in Portugal and Brazil, also towards the experience of the end of the Portuguese Empire, in short stories, on colonial and postcolonial conflicts (Mozambique and the Macao SAR).

To promote knowledge on the political history and literary systems of the countries involved (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique and Macao) as well as on the works of writers of different origins.
Knowledge of the Portuguese language, basic knonwledge of the history of the Portuguese colonial empire and its decolonization, ability to analyse and critically comment on literary texts.
Antonio Tabucchi, the great Italian writer and scholar of Portuguese language and literature, in 2008, commented on a definition of a sign that could characterise the twentieth century: "restlessness", demonstrating how this could take various forms, especially after the Second World War . This course is dedicated to Portuguese language literatures written from the last quarter of the twentieth century to the first decades of our century, that is, from the end of the Portuguese empire to the end of the dictatorships in Portugal and Brazil. The course intends to examine and comment on some concerns in the various Portuguese-speaking communities and how they are articulated in their socio-cultural contexts. Short stories by at least eight writers from four different Portuguese-speaking spaces will be analysed and interpreted. They will be: Cardoso Pires and Lídia Jorge (Portugal); Hilda Hilst and Rubem Fonseca (Brazil); Paulina Chiziane and Ungulami Ba Ka Khosa (Mozambique), Henrique de Senna Fernandes and Fernanda Dias (Macau SAR).
The course will take place in five parts; one of these is dedicated to discuss this mode of writing which is the short story and its role in Portuguese-language literature. Furthermore, we intend to address the notion of restlessness other than ideas about difference, otherness, stereotype and resilience. The other four parts will be dedicated to the works of each writer and to the literary systems connected to them.
1 - Literary works
BA KA KHOSA. Orgia dos loucos. São Paulo, 2016.
CHIZIANE, Paulina. As andorinhas. Belo Horizonte: Nandyala, 2013.
DIAS, Fernanda. Dias da Prosperidade. Macau: Instituto Cultural de Macau e Instituto Português do Oriente, 1998.
FONSECA, Rubem. Carne crua. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2018.
HILST, Hilda. Kadosh. Rio de Janeiro: Globo, 2002.
JORGE, Lidia. Antologia de contos. Lisboa: Leya, 2014.
PIRES, José Cardoso. A Republica dos Corvos. Lisboa: Leya, 2010.
______. A cavalo no Diabo. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, 1994.
SENNA FERNANDES, Henrique de. Nan Van: contos de Macau. Macau: Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1994.

2 – Theoretical and critical framework:
CANCLINI, Néstor García. Diferentes, desiguais e desconectados. Trad. Luiz Sérgio Henriques. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2009. [Differenti, disuguali, disconnessi. Mappe intercultural del sapere. Roma: Meltemi Melusine Editore, 2010]
CORTAZAR, Julio. Valise de Cronópio. São Paulo: 2008. [Storie di cronopios e di famas, nota di Italo Calvino, Torino: Einaudi, 1971]
CYRULNIK, Boris. Autobiografia de um espantalho. Histórias de resiliência: o retorno à vida. São Paulo: ed. Martins Fontes, 2009. [Autobiografia di uno spaventapasseri. Strategie per superare um trauma. Cortina Raffaelo: 2009]
FERREIRA, Manuel. Literaturas africanas de expressão portuguesa. São Paulo: ed. Atica, 1987.
GOTLIB, Nadia Battela. Teoria do conto. São Paulo: Ed. Atica, 2006.
LOURENÇO, Eduardo. A Nau de Ícaro seguido de Imagem e Miragem da Lusofonia. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1999. [La nave di Icaro seguito da Immagine e miraggio dela Lusofonia. Pineto (Te): Riccardo Condò Editore, 2019]
______. Portugal como Destino seguido de Mitologia da Saudade. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1999. [Il labirinto della saudade. Portogallo come destino. Parma: Diabasis, 2014]
PIGLIA, Ricardo. Formas Breves. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004.
______. Tesi sul racconto. Traduzione di Alfredo Zucchi. CrapulaClub Acesso em 21/01/2021. Nel sito: http://www.crapula.it/tag/tesi-sul-racconto/
RIBEIRO, Margarida Calafate. I tempi della fine. Il processo di decolonizzazione in Portogallo e i percorsi dell’Europa. Altre Modernità. Rivista di studi letterari e culturali. Milano: Università degli Studi di Milano, n. 16, 2016. Nel sito: https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/article/view/7840
SEABRA PEREIRA, José Carlos. As literaturas em língua portuguesa (Das origens aos nossos dias). Macau: Instituto Politécnico de Macau e Lisboa: Gradiva, 2019.
______. José Carlos. O Delta Literário de Macau. Macau: Instituto Politécnico de Macau, 2015.
SOUSA SANTOS, Boaventura; RAMALHO, M. I.; RIBEIRO, A. S.; RIBEIRO, M. C. Atlantico Periferico. Il postcolonialismo portoghese e il sistema mondiale. Diabasis, 2008.
TODOROV, Tzvetan. O homem desenraizado. São Paulo: ed. Record, 1999. [L’uomo spaesato. I percorsi dell’appartenenza. Roma: Donezelli Editore, 1996]
TABUCCHI, Antonio. Il filo dell’inquietudine: un percorso attraverso la letteratura del Novecento. Conferenze. Scuola Normale Superiore, 4/04/2018. Acesso em 21/01/2021. Nel sito: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15FUGqgbj-I

Ulteriori indicazioni bibliografiche verranno fornite durante le lezioni. I diversi materiali e testi presentati nel corso delle lezioni verranno resi disponibili agli studenti per una migliore preparazione della materia.
The exam will be an oral interview in Portuguese or Italian consisting of three questions: one on a short story of student's choice, aimed to verifying the student's ability to read and analyse the text; a second one an in-depth analise on the story chosen by the student and a third question on a story chosen by the teacher, both articulated in the theoretical bibliography. All parts of the program will be considered fundamental. The exam aims to verify the knowledge of the topics covered in the course; understanding of concepts and quality of presentation as well as the ability to develop an autonomous critical thinking.
Lectures. Active participation will be stimulated during the lessons. Seminars with preparation of compulsory and supplementary readings. The course deals with literature in an interdisciplinary way. Multimedia materials will be used beyond the bibliography, such as interviews and documentaries. Remote interaction with students through the University's Moodle e-learning platform.
Students who do not attend classes are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course. Other texts will be made available online during the course.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/02/2021