Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI970 (AF:310691 AR:175490)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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Conoscenza sintomatica di momenti cruciali della storia della cultura e della società della Spagna, dal 1492 ai giorni nostri.
At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the concept of culture from the point of view of semiotics. In the context of this dynamic, they will have to know how to relate elements of political and social history, art history and literature starting from the vision of a picture, a film and the interpretation of a page of one of the texts commented during the course. They will also have to be able to develop their own autonomy of judgment in the interpretation of texts and films, with the extra ability to rework the bibliographic sources. Autonomous learning skills that allow you to apply the knowledge acquired to study texts, and to current problems.
Good knowledge of Spanish language (spoken and written); ability to critically read and comment a literary text.
Definition of the concepts of culture and cultural history from a contemporary perspective. Knowledge of the crucial moments in the history of culture and society of Spain, from 1492 to the present day. Analysis of literary texts, essays, paintings and other cultural products that testify to contemporary mentalities, customs and habits.
Critical texts:
- Fusi, Juan Pablo, HISTORIA MÍNIMA DE ESPAÑA, Madrid, Turner, 2017.
- Lotman Juri M. - Uspenkij, "Sul meccanismo semiotico della cultura", in TIPOLOGIA DELLA CULTURA, Milano, Bompiani, pp. 39-68.

Literary texts:
- Anonimo, LAZARILLO DE TORMES, Edición de Francisco Rico, Madrid, Cátedra.
- Larra, Mariano José de, ARTICULOS DE COSTUMBRE, edición y guía de lectura de Luis F. Díaz Larios, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, pp. 13-44, 59-74, 113-127, 201-207, 379-390, 459-468 (online).
- Martín Gaite, Carmen, USOS AMOROSOS DE LA POSTGUERRA ESPAÑOLA, Barcelona, Anagrama, pp. 5-73.
- VV.AA., Antología de poesía sobre España (siglos XX-XXI), selezione del docente.

Further teaching materials will be made available online during the course.
Verification of learning occurs in two ways:
1) the preparation of a short paper on a topic related to the course which will be presented in writing and orally, and
2) a final oral test in Spanish, consisting of an interview to evaluate the knowledge of the contents, the ability to analyze and critical judgment that the student must demonstrate to be able to present in a formal way.

The active participation of the student during the lessons will also be considered.
The course will combine theoretical and practical lessons: in addition to the teacher's lessons, the student will have to prepare the compulsory and supplementary readings to discuss critically in the lessons. Some critical materials will be available on the University's Moodle e-learning platform.
Teaching language: Spanish.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/07/2020