Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT002G (AF:310795 AR:176242)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of CATALAN LITERATURE 2
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Knowledge of the main literary and cultural phenomena of 21st century Catalonia;
Knowledge of the methodologies of analysis of the literary object;
Knowledge of cultural processes that affect current society and literary production.
Ability to frame a cultural object in its context;
Ability to apply analysis methodologies for understanding the society and culture that produced the studied object;
Ability to read and translate a literary text and to comment on it with an appropriate language and scientific methodology;
Ability to treat historical sources in a framework of adequate critical contextualization and in relation to the different cultures in their specific historical evolutions;
Ability to independently initiate in-depth studies on specific cases related to the topic of the thesis.
No prerequisites are required. The course is taught in Italian.
Catalan identity and literature of the new millennium
The course, which is taught in Italian, aims to reflect on the notion of identity in the Catalan literature of the 21st century and focuses on the following major themes:
- migration and identity: (Najat El Hachmi); the encounter and coexistence with the other (Jordi Puntí);
- identity and meta-literature: Albert Sánchez Piñol.

In classe verranno letti e analizzati frammenti dai seguenti testi letterari:
EL HACHMI, Najat, 2004, Jo també sóc catalana. Barcelona: Edicions62, 2010.
---, 2015, La filla estrangera. Barcelona: Edicions 62. (Trad. spagnola La hija extranjera. Barcelona: Planeta).
PUNTÍ, Jordi, 2011, Els castellans. Barcelona: L’Avenç. (Trad. spagnola Los castellanos. Xordica: 2013).
SÁNCHEZ PIÑOL, Albert, 2002, La pell freda. Barcelona: La Campana. (Trad. italiana, La pelle fredda, a cura di Patrizio Rigobon. Milano: RCS Libri, 2014; trad. sp. La piel fría. Alfaguara, 2015).

SÁNCHEZ PIÑOL, Albert, 2005, Pandora al Congo. Barcelona: La Campana. (Trad. italiana a cura di Ursula Bedogni, Congo. Inferno verde. Roma: Fazi, 2011; trad. spagnola Pandora en el Congo, Alfaguara, 2009).


BROCH, Álex, 2017, "Novella catalana avui 2000-2016". Juneda: Fonoll (selezione).

CAGIAO Y CONDE, Jorge, Gennaro FERRAIUOLO y Patrizio RIGOBON (eds.), 2018, "La nazione catalana. Storia, lingua, politica, costituzione nella prospettiva plurinazionale". Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica (selezione).

CAMPS ARBÓS, Josep i Maria Dasca (eds.), 2019, "La narrativa catalana al segle XXI, balanç crític". Barcelona: Societata catalana de llengua i literatura (selezione).

CASTELLANO SANZ, Margarida, 2018, "Les altres catalanes. Memòria, identitat i autobiografia en la literatura d’immigració". València: Tres i Quatre (selezione).

DARICI, Katiuscia, 2014, “Frontiere del romanzo in Catalogna: Albert Sánchez Piñol nel contesto letterario globale”, en Webzine Sul Romanzo 1/2014, (online).

KING, Steward, 2019, “Under construction: Literature and Identities in Contemporary Catalan Culture”, en CASANOVAS, Pompeu, CORRETGER, Montserrat y Vicent SALVADOR (eds.), The Rise of Catalan Identity. Social Commitment and Political Engagement in the Twentieth Century. Cham: Springer, pp. 271-279.

VIDAL CLARAMONTE, Ma. Carmen África, 2015, “Traducir al atravesado”, Papers, 100/3 (online).

VIDAL CLARAMONTE, Ma. Carmen África, 2012, “Jo també sóc catalana: Najat El Hachmi, una vida traducida”, Quaderns. Revista de Traducció 19, pp. 237-250, (online).

Additional bibliography will be made available online during the course.
Oral exam on:
- Course notes
- Two narrative texts among those listed (which the student is required to read in full)
- Critical material indicated by the teacher and calibrated to 6 ECTS (CFU)

It is possible to agree on slight changes in the choice of narrative texts according to motivated research interests or individual study paths.
Classes will be taught in dual mode (remote and presential)
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/09/2020