Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT2230 (AF:310992 AR:187674)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The general aim of the course is to consolidate metalinguistic competence through the knowledge of linguistic variation phenomena, as well as to improve English language competence thanks to the analysis of some variation features with a global-scale comparative approach.
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the nature of linguistic variation, its linguistic and extralinguistic causes, the linguistic phenomena behind its development and the most important theories regarding the spread and the classification of English worldwide.
Knowledge and understanding of the main variation features regarding grammar, morphology, and syntax across the English-speaking world.
Knowledge and understanding of the main variation features regarding phonetics, phonology, and prosody across the English-speaking world.
Knowledge and understanding of the main variation features regarding the use of lexicon and phraseology across the English-speaking world.
Knowledge of linguistic variation in its multiple forms through the approaches provided by the latest linguistic theories on contextual causes and implications of English spread and variation worldwide.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
Appropriate use of linguistic terminology in all applications of acquired knowledge.
Appropriate use of linguistic analytical tools to describe complex aspects of linguistic variation.
Identification of and reflection on worldwide English variation at all levels (phonetic-phonological and prosodic, grammatical and syntactic, and lexical).
Identification of and comparison among distinctive features of English varieties.
Use of acquired knowledge to obtain new data.
Ability to perform linguistic analyses and to answer simple subject-related research questions.

3. Making judgments:
Ability to formulate and build argumentation on a metalinguistic hypothesis and to provide examples confirming or confuting hypotheses.
Critical reflection on the role of English and on the implications of its worldwide spread, and application of such reflection in the academic and professional uses of English.

4. Communication
Ability to convey the knowledge acquired during the course using appropriate terminology.
Fair, respectful and incisive communication with peers and teachers in class.

5. Learning skills:
Development of critical thinking.
Ability to convey information, ideas and issues to both expert and non-expert audiences.
Ability to research and obtain adequate bibliographic material to study linguistic phenomena.
Develop the acquired knowledge to prepare for further education.

Basic knowledge of linguistics.
Good knowledge of English (B2+)
Good knowledge of Italian (B2+)
All lectures are interactive and include class activities, the students are expected to communicate with the teacher and to work in groups.
1. Introduction and presentation of the course
2-4. Variation development: definition, linguistic contact and change, pidgins and creoles, linguistic and extralinguistic variation causes, classification models
5-8. Levels of variation: 1: phonetics, phonology and prosody; 2: grammar and syntax; 3: lexicon and phraseology
9-13: Case studies and comparisons. 1: Europe – English of Northern Britain. 2: The Americas: Jamaican Creole English. 3: Oceania – Australian English. 4: Africa – Nigerian Pidgin English. 5: Asia – Singlish (Singapore English)
14: Ethical and didactic implication of the spread of English worldwide
15: Revision and conclusion.
Main course manual: Schneider, Edgar. English Around the World. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2020. (with website)
More study material in English will be provided by the teacher in the Moodle page.
The final mark will be based on a spoken exam (50%) and a collaborative project (50%).
Lecturing in class. Moodle. Peer work. Individual tutoring by the teacher.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 31/08/2021