Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT001L (AF:314696 AR:168535)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Aspects of Twentieth-century French fiction

Through reading and commenting significant works, under both a historical and narratological point of view, the course will tackle the main aspects of Twentieth-century French fiction.
Elementary knowledge of French language aan European XXth century History.
“Main aspects of XXth century French novel”.
Selected pages (in French) from:
1) Marcel PROUST, Du côté de chez Swann (1913)
2) André GIDE, Les Faux-monnayeurs (1925)
3) Louis-Ferdinand CELINE, Voyage au bout de la nuit (1932)
4) Jean-Paul SARTRE, La Nausée (1938)
5) Albert CAMUS, L’étranger (1942)
6) Boris VIAN, L'Ecume des jours (1947)
7) Raymond QUENEAU, Zazie dans le métro (1959)
8) Michel TOURNIER, Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique (1967)
9) Romain GARY (Émile Ajar), La vie devant soi (1975)
10) Patrick MODIANO, Dora Bruder(1997)

Students have to read fully three books, obligatorily (in French or in Italian).

# Available as free e-book:,
(prescribed books)
TERONI, S. (a cura di), Il romanzo francese del Novecento, Bari, Laterza, "Manuali Laterza", 2008, pp. 3-110. *
SOZZI, Lionello (a cura di), Storia europea della letteratura francese: vol. II. Dal Settecento all'età contemporanea, Torino, Einaudi (coll. “Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi”, n. 593), 2013, pp. 270-284, 291-305, 312-341
* Il testo di Teroni è da studiare tutto nelle sue linee generali, nella trattazione delle problematiche e dei temi. Tuttavia sono da prendere in considerazione (e da ritenere), ai fini dell’esame, quanto a nomi e opere principali, soltanto quelli dei seguenti autori:
Gide, Proust, Alain-Fournier, Cocteau, Radiguet, Colette, Breton, Aragon, Cendrars, Saint-Exupéry, Malraux, Ramuz, Giono, Mauriac, Bernanos, Green, Jouve, Simenon, Bataille, Blanchot, Des Forêts, Drieu La Rochelle, Céline, Sartre, Gracq, Gary, Camus, De Beauvoir, Genet, Sarraute, Robbe-Grillet, Butor, Duras, Beckett, Simon, Yourcenar, Tournier, Vian, Queneau, OULIPO, Perec.

VIART, D. Le Roman français au XXe siècle, Paris, A. Colin, "Lettres sup", 2011.
TADIÉ, Jean-Yves (sous la dir.), La littérature française : dynamique & histoire. II, Paris, Gallimard (coll. « Folio Essais », n. 495), 2007 ; in particolare di A. COMPAGNON, XXe siècle, pp. 545-650, 576-701, 748-772.
MITTERAND, Henri, La littérature française du XXe siècle, Paris, A. Colin, 20102, pp. 27-30, 35-42,63-72, 84-87, 93-98, 112-113.

Some other bibliographic references will be given subsequently.
The course will be in Italian (readings also in French).
The final examination will comprise: general questions; questions on the three chosen novels; a brief commentary on passages from the prescribed 10 novels. Questions/answers will be in French or in Italian.
Weekly lectures in Italian; chosen pages' reading will be in French.
Beside the reference text listed in the bibliography students are required to choose three novels from the list (to be read in French or in translation, according to their competence).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/12/2019