Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM2640 (AF:314958 AR:168467)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the curriculum on cultures and history and South and Central Asia. However, being the topic basically archaeology, fine art and material culture of the so-called "Hellenistic Far East", the course can be linked to the Classics curricula.
The course wished to introduce the students to the problems of archaeology, fine art and material culture from Afghanistan to South and Central Asia from BCE 600 to 1000 CE. The course will have a focus on the early-historic to post-Kushan phases of the Gandharan region (modern Pakistan) (c. 150 BCE- 650 CE).
This year the course will have a special focus on the archaeology of the relationship between towns and landscape (ancient production systems).
A good understanding of the history and historical geography of the region. A fair knowledge of the major sites and excavations, as well of the major research themes with a focus on Gandharan art.
A good understanding of the thematics discussed and related methodologies.
Not necessary. A basic knowledge of South/Central Asia (a) ancient history, (b) fine art and architecture, and (c) archaeological methods, is though preferred. Supplementary material and tutorship can be provided to the students who need specific help on that regard.
Ancient geography of the region.
General chronology (between c. BCE 600 and 1000 CE).
Major urban archaeological sites from the Indus to Bactria from 3rd century BCE to the end of the Kushan Empire (3rd century CE).
Problematics of the relationship between towns and countryside, towns and Buddhist monasteries, the latter and Bhramanical centres, from parthian times to the Shahi period (1st millenniun CE).
Thematic handouts (in inglese e/o italiano) and PDF presentations during the classes, will be made available from April 2020 in PDF format on the University platform moodle

Other texts are the following:

1) Susan Whitfield, Silk, Slaves, and Stupas. Material Culture of the Silk Road. University of California Press, Oakland, 2018 (ISBN: 9780520281783): Chapters 3 and 4 (with Maps section) [BALI: SINOLOG (B 846]

2) Ciro Lo Muzio, Archeologia dell’Asia Centrale preislamica. Mondadori Università, Milano, 2017 (ISBN: 9788861844124): Chapters 3, 5, 7 and 9 (maps) [BAUM: ARCHEO (931 ASIA 125)].

3a) Pierfrancesco Callieri, Anna Filigenzi (a cura di) Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell’arte del Gandhara. MNAOr/IsIAO 2002 (in italiano) (no ISBN): Chapters 3, 4 and 5.
or (in English)
3b) Domenico Faccenna, Pierfrancesco Callieri, Anna Filigenzi, “At the origin of Gandharan art. The contribution of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in the Swat Valley Pakistan”, Ancient Civilizations 9, 3-4. Brill, Leiden, 2003 (English short version) (ISSN: 0929-077X; 1570-0577).
or (in Chinese)
3c) Pierfrancesco Callieri, Anna Filigenzi, Luca M. Olivieri (a cura di), At the origin of Gandharan art, Shanghai Classics, Shanghai 2015 (Chinese edition) (ISBN: 9787532577866).

4) Luca M. Olivieri, Digging up. Fieldwork guidelines for archaeology students, Sang-e-Meel Publication, Lahore 2014 (ISBN: 9693527488): Chapter 2, 12 and 13.

During the classes the most important chapter of each text will be indicated.
The last part of every class will be devoted to actively discuss the main topics so to test the understanding of the subject-matter.
Frontal classes with images and texts illustrated with Power Points. The latter will be made available to the students before the end of the course on the University platform moodle.
The last part of every class will be devoted to actively discuss the main topics.
Tutorship in English is available

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/02/2020