Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0479 (AF:317883 AR:170858)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Go to Moodle page
This module is designed to familiarize with the principles and practices of archaeological heritage management to protect archaeological heritage resources in the face of threat. The emphasis is on rescue or salvage archaeology. The course discusses – at Italian and European level - the threats of archaeological and cultural heritage such as urban development, large-scale agriculture, mining activity, looting, erosion or unsustainable visitor numbers and it indicates the possible ways to avoid or at least to minimize the impacts of these development activities on heritage properties.
Rescue archaeology, sometimes called preventive archaeology (salvage archaeology and commercial archaeology also) is a contracted archaeology, often state controlled, for-profit archaeological survey and excavation carried out in advance of construction or other land development. The course will analyze the legal background, the conceptual framework discussing notions such us: Archaeological Risk, Cultural Heritage Management, Archaeological Heritage property.
- Be acquainted with the principles of heritage management in general and archaeological heritage management in particular;
- Be acquainted with the principles of heritage management in Italy;
- Identify the threats of heritage resources in general and archaeological heritage
- resources in particular;
- Be experienced with the Italian system of preventive archaeology;
- Be experienced with designing measures to protect monuments, sites, cultural environments and other archaeological heritage resources.
- General knowledge of Archaeology;
- Having taken “Methods for Archaeology” exam.
1. Lesson 1
Introduction, Rescue Archeology e Quality Management in Archaeology
- Introduction
- Brainstorming
- “Preventive Archeology” and “Quality Management in Archaeology” concepts.

2. Lesson 2
From Malta Convention (1992) To the Preventive Archaeology Italian Legal Framework
- Italy, Legal framework form “Convenzione Europea per la protezione del patrimonio archeologico, fatta alla Valletta il 16 gennaio 1992 (Convenzione di Malta)” to the law 57/2015.
- Italy, Legislative Decree 22 Gennaio 2004, n. 42 (Codice dei beni Culturali e del Paesaggio, art. 10 della legge 6 Luglio 2002, n. 137
- Italy, Legislative Decree 12 Aprile 2006, N. 163 (Codice dei contratti pubblici relativi a lavori, servizi e forniture in attuazione delle direttive 2004/17/CE e 2004/18/CE
3. Lesson 3
Rescue Archaeology, Salvage Archaeology and the Quality Management in Archaeology abroad
- France;
- The Netherlands;
- Germany;
- UK and Ireland;
- United Sates of America;
- Sweden and Nordic Countries.

4. Lesson 4
Heritage, Communities and Archaeology
- Material Culture, Memory and Identity;
- Museums and communities;
- Digital Era.

5. Lesson 5
The Preventive Archaeology in Italy (VIArch)
- The Italian “VIArch”
- The official prescriptions;
- Methods and Field Methods.

6. Lesson 6
Archaeological Risk
- Risk, Management and Conservation;
- Ethic and Sustainability in Archaeology.

7. Lesson 7,
Preventive Archaeology in Practice
- Preventive Archaeology in Practice, Veneto Region Case, interview with official and practitioners.

8. Lesson 8
Preventive Archaeology: Italian test cases
- Test Cases
- Finale Test
The study paper will be upload regularly on Moodle space.
General bibliographic references:
- Archeologia Preventiva, Il Codice Appalti e la gestione del Rischio Archeologico, P. Güll, Palermo, 2015;
- Archeologia Preventiva. Esperienze a Confronto, M. L. Nava (a cura di), Venosa 2009.
- Heritages Communities and Archaeology, L. Smith, E. Waterton (eds.), London 2009;
- Quality Management in Arcaheology, W. J. H. Willems, M. H. van den Dries (eds), Oxford 2007;
- Dalla Carta di Rischio Archeologico di Cesena alla tutela preventiva in Europa, Gelichi S. (a cura di), Firenze, 2001
Online test on Moodle platform, due the last lesson. Other test dates should be negotiated with the teacher.
- Class Lessons;
- Brainstorming;
- On-line tests;
- Personal study.
For further information and for not-attending students, contact the teacher (
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/03/2019