Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM3F02 (AF:318872 AR:166758)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Knowing how to read architectural drawings for an exhibition, proposing your own design for an exhibition in order to be an active part of a design team, knowing the main events in the history of the Italian and world exhibition design are essential skillsif you are involved in Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities.
Interior Architecture and Exhibition aims to highlight these non-negligible aspects for students who want to work in the Exhibit.

The course aims to provide students with the tools to understand the main architectural elements that make up a museum, exhibition, or scenographic setting - starting from the historical concept of "ephemeral" and going to the Twentieth Century's masterpiecies of the interior space dedicated for exhibition with which the art of display began architecture.
No special prerequisite is required. Class attendance is strongly recommended.
The course will be articulated through ex-cathedra lectures, visits and discussion lectures dedicated to the development of an exhibition design (report about the interior design of max. 6000 characters with moodboards, diagrams, sketches, etc. .) dedicated to a character chosen by the student agreed with the lecturer in a Venetian space being defined.
E. Ambasz, "Italy: the New Domestic Landscape", The Museum of Modern Art, 1972
S. Polano, "Mostrare. L'allestimento in Italia dagli anni Venti agli anni Ottanta", Edizioni Lybra Immagine, Milano 1988
S. Polano, "Allestimenti tra le quinte di Palladio", Electa, Milano 2008
S. Cattiodoro, "Il fondamento effimero dell'architettura", Aracne Editore, 2012
S. Cattiodoro, "Gio Ponti. Scena e design, un unico modo", in Edibus, 2016
F. Poli, F. Bernardelli, "Mettere in scena l'arte contemporanea", Johan & Levi editore, 2016

A specific bibliography will be indicated at the end of each lesson
The learning assessment will start with the discussions with the students in the second part of the course to develop their exhibition designs and will continue with the reports produced (delivered by the end of the lessons) to end with an oral exam on 3 books chosen from the bibliography.
Lessons with the aid of digital images, seminar discussion (in the classroom or not), exhibition design's check.
The course is taught in Italian.
For foreign students, possibility to take the exam in English.
written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/08/2019