Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMF04L (AF:321854 AR:167034)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 2
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching of French Literature 2 module 1 is part of the French course of Lingue e letterature europee, americane e postcoloniali (including the Master en études françaises et francophones). It allows students to acquire an advanced knowledge of the history and some aspects of French literature as well as a mastery of theoretical-critical methodologies, in line with the aims of the course of study and the learning area.
Given the change in French Literature 2 , the individual objectives refer to both years of the course, but in progress; the fullness of their achievement is therefore expected at the end of the second year.

1. Knowledge and understanding:
a. knowledge of notions of literature theory and narratology, with particular reference to studies on reception, on the implicit reader and on the act of reading, as well as some instruments of stylistic and rhetorical investigation;
b. knowledge of the historical-literary field (literary history of the Ancien Régime), with particular attention to the development of the novel between the 16th and 18th centuries;
c. some basic knowledge of book history.

2. Applied knowledge and understanding:
a. ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to the texts dealt with during the course and independently;
b. ability to place a text and a literary phenomenon in their production and reception context;
c. ability to set up a bibliographic research aimed at deepening a problem.

3. Autonomy of judgement:
a. ability to exercise critical judgement;
b. capacity to formulate hypotheses and autonomous judgements argued in a coherent and effective manner.

4. Communication skills
a. developing the ability to understand literary texts (including ancient ones) and critical essays in the French language;
b. development of communication skills for coherent, clear, terminologically accurate and effective communication, both in oral class interaction on course topics and in academic written discourse (the elaboration of a "tesina").

5. Ability to learn: ability to infer, relate data, synthesize, organise coherent and autonomous analysis of a text and/or literary process.

Knowledge of the general lines of the history of French literature from the 16th to the 17th century, acquired through the basic teachings of the literary field of the three years of the LCSL degree course or through the study of manuals of literary history. Since the course is given in French, and also in view of the exam, a C1 level of French language (written and oral) is required.
The literary collection from the Renaissance to the Classical Age

Conceived as a compilation work, individual or collective, both unitary and composite, the literary collection is a complex textual entity whose construction and coherence are ensured by the combination of unity and discontinuity.
In a diachronic perspective centred on the First Modern Age (16th-17th centuries) and based on the study of particularly significant cases, this course aims to examine some typologies of collections (poetic, narrative, epistolary) and to study all the devices that come into play when building a literary collection (auctoriality, paratext, text assembly, relationship to literary genres, fiction). The question of the reception and reading patterns of literary collections at a given time will also be addressed.
The contents of the course will be functional to the course held in the second semester by a visiting professor on literature of early modernity and digital technologies ([LMF000] LITTÉRATURE DE LA PREMIÈRE MODERNITÉ ET TECHNOLOGIES NUMÉRIQUES), whose body of work will concern literary collections.

A special Seminar, with debates and discussions involving both students and professors, will be held by professor Franco Moretti (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) on the 16th, 17th, and 18th October 2019. It is the second of a Cycle of three Seminars ( Seminari Annuali LLEAP 2018/2019- 2020/2021) on the studying and teaching of literature. This year special subject will be “Modern Tragedy”, and the Seminar will be an essential addition to this course as part of the 2019/2020 teaching activities for all the LLEAP Students.
a. Primary Fonti/Primary Sources ( a choice)

- Clément Marot, L'Adolesence clémentine, éd. F. Roudaut, Le Livre de poche, 2005.
- Pierre de Ronsard, Pierre, Œuvres complètes, Les Amours (1552 ), t. IV, et Les Amours ( 1553 ), t. V, éd. par P. Laumonier, Paris, Société des Textes Français Modernes, 2015.
- Comptes amoureux par Madame Jeanne Flore, éd. par Gabriel-André Pérouse, Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 1980 ou éd. par R. Reynolds-Cornell, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2005
- Marguerite de Navarre, Heptaméron, éd. par S. de Reyff, Paris, Flammarion, 1990, ou dans Œuvres complètes, Paris, Champion, 2013, t. X.
- François de Rosset, Histoires tragiques, éd. par A. de Vaucher Gravili, Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1994.
- François Desrues, Les Marguerites françoises ou thresor des fleurs du bien dire, fac-similé de l’édition Reinsart, Rouen, 1609, préface et bibliographie de Charles-Olivier Stiker-Metral, Presses universitaires de Reims, 2003.
- Edme Boursault, Lettres de respect, d’obligation et d’amour, Paris, Girard, 1669

b. Secondary Fonti /Secondary Sources
General Bibliography
A. Viala, « Recueil », dans Paul Aron, Denis Saint-Jacques et Alain Viala (dir.), Dictionnaire du littéraire, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2002, p. 502.
- Le recueil littéraire : pratiques et théorie d'une forme, sous la direction de Irène Langlet
Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2003
- R. Chartier, Lectures et lecteurs dans la France d’Ancien Régime, Paris, Seuil, 1987.
- R. Audet, Des Textes à l’œuvre. La lecture du recueil de nouvelles, Québec, Éditions Nota Bene, 2000.
- N. Dauvois, La vocation lyrique : la poétique du recueil lyrique en France a la Renaissance et le modele de Carmina de Horace, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2010.
- Claude-Gilbert Dubois, « Taxinomie et poétique : compositions sérielles et constructions d’ensembles dans la création esthétique en France au seizième siècle », dans Le Signe et le texte. Études sur l’écriture au XVIèmesiècle en France, éd. L. Kritzman, Lexington, French Forum, 1990, p. 131-145.
- A. Réach-Ngô, « Les Thresor littéraires de la Renaissance, du miroir esthétique à la vitrine éditoriale », Seizième siècle, n°14, 2018, p. 227-240.
- N. Dauvois, D. Martin, M. F. Viallon, Table ronde sur Le recueil , Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance, n°57, 2003 p. 165-173;

Further information will be provided at the beginning of the course.
The examination interview, held in French, will focus on the topics dealt with during the course and will aim to verify the acquired knowledge (contents of the module, notions of literary theory and narration, knowledge and contextualization of the works read), the ability to understand and analyze the texts studied drawing inspiration for an independent critical reflection and validly argued, the communicative skills.
In order to favour the autonomy in the individual examination and to start the written production in view of the thesis, it will be required the writing of a paper of about 15 pages, in French, to be delivered at least 8 days before the examination. In agreement with the teacher, students may choose a subject relating to the course programme. The teacher will introduce the students to the bibliographic research and to the setting up of a work plan; the paper will be evaluated on the basis of the coherence in the articulation of the work and the discourse, of the relevance of the observations, of the correctness in the exposition, of the capacity of application of the acquired critical instruments, of the capacity of expressing a judgment based on valid elements.
The final evaluation will be based on the outcome of the oral test and the evaluation of the paper.
Lectures, conferences and seminars, in French.

The teaching materials used during the course will be made available in the Moodle space,

If you are unable to attend the entire course, please contact the teacher before the start of the lessons.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/07/2019