Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM004X (AF:330136 AR:175608)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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This course is part of the obligatory courses for students of LLEAP and also counts for students of Language sciences.
The course consists of a Professor’s module held in the first semester and a year round language practice course (“esercitazioni”). The general aim is to consolidate the theoretical and applied competence and to perfect and consolidate knowledge and skills at the B2+ level in the four language activities described by the Common European Framework (CEFR).
Theoretical and applied competence of the Russian language as it is used in Russian-speaking countries as well as lingua franca in communicative contexts that include everyday as also academic and specialized situations. The general aim is to consolidate the theoretical and applied competence and to perfect and consolidate knowledge and skills at the B2+ level in the four language activities described by the Common European Framework (CEFR).
B2 level of the CEFR, obtained after having successfully passed the Russian Language 3 course.
The course consists of a Professor’s module held in the second semester and a year round language practice course (“esercitazioni”).
The course offers a specialized knowledge of the Russian grammar and of Russian Lexique. This course is used to improve students' confidence in speaking and writing.
Il materiale fornito durante le lezioni è sufficiente per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi formativi del modulo docente.
Letture integrative:
Караванов А.А.Виды русского глагола: значение и употребление. Москва, 2005.
C.Cevese, Ju.Dobrovolskaja, E.Magnanini, S.Nistratova, Grammatica russa. Esercizi, Vol.2, Hoepli, 2020.
Скворцова Г.Л., Употребление видов глагола в русском языке, Москва, "Русский язык. Курсы", 2003.
Колосницына Г.В., Макова М.Н., Грамматические этюды. Трудные разделы русской грамматики, Москва, "Русский язык", 2006.
Муравьева Л.С., Глаголы движения в русском языке, Москва, "Русский язык", 2001.
Дерягина С.И., Мартыненко Е.В. Трудные случаи употребления семантически близких слов. М., 2003.
Брызгунова Е.А., Звуки и интонация русской речи, Москва, "Русский язык", 1977.
Benedek, M.G., Come tradurre in russo. Con un glossario di marketing, Milano, 1995.
Natalie Malini, Tradurre il Russo, Carocci Editore - Bussole, 2012.
Dizionari bilingue e monolingue
Скороходов Л.Ю., Хорохордина Л.В.Окно в Россию. Учебное пособие по русскому языку как иностранному для продвинутого этапа. В двух частях. Часть первая. СПб, Златоуст, 2012.
Нистратова С.Л., Николаева Ю.В., Ростова Е.Г. Россия – Италия: Диалог культур, М., 2011.
This exam is composed of two parts: the written exam includes grammar test and translation from Italian into Russian; the oral exam consists of conversation in Russian and checking 150 pages of texts in Russian.
Lectures (Professor’s module), Seminars ( language practice course).
The Professor’s module starts in the second semester. Language practice with the CEL starts in the first semester and will continue in the second semester.
written and oral
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 25/05/2020