Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5040 (AF:331035 AR:177046)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The subject is one of the basic within the Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale course, and the geographical approach, both as the contents and the critical method, is particularly useful in linking both the physical-territorial aspects and the socio-cultural ones, which are some of the components of the “mediation” between different linguistic and cultural subjects.
The aim is to give a basic knowledge of the conceptual points and of the key words of Political Geography (relations between territory-human groups-state, nation-state, borders, sovereignty), seen with a critical-anthropological approach.
The Economic Geography part will be referred to the process of the economic globalization, mainly the financial one, as well as the North/South relations with its problematic consequences, and to the demographic and migratory dynamics. With the same approach are going to be analysed the links between goods production and markets, the relevance of telematics and mass-media system.
A special attention will be given to the huge concept of culture (History, language, lifestyle) in order to be able to use it for understanding the apparent differences in the different geographical areas even if within a shared common human condition. Is going to be stressed the direct link betwee the mode of production (agriculture and industry) as well of consumerism/services and the current climate changes.
Conoscenza e comprensione:
Having the awareness of the shared common human condition and of the shared physical and socio-cultural needs of humans to which are given cultural and historical determined replies under the aspects of ordinary life behaviors and iconographies.
Having a general frame of the characters of the earth surface (geo-morphology and climatic strips), of the distribution and the different dimension of the states, and the consequences of it in the political and economic realm.
Understanding how it is working the world state system (international law, treaties and habits), the current geopolitical power relation and the conformity or not of the declaration of principles with the concrete actions of the states in the dynamics of the main crisis areas.
Having a general frame of the economic relation between and within the continents and between the states (distribution of the resources, transports, goods production, consumption and services).
Understanding the basic reason of the migration phenomenon.

Capacità di applicare conoscenze e comprensione:
Being able to identify the most relevant elements (habits and iconographies) of a cultural island and being able to do a comparison with other cultural islands, noticing similarities and differences, going beyond the more superficial aspects.
Being able to discern the rhetorical aspects and the (geo)political use of the official declarations putting them in relation-comparison with the concrete actions and facts happened in the current geopolitical dynamics.
From the analysis of the social and/or economic data being able to understand the structure of the globalized economy, the condition of single states within the frame of the interstate economic relations.
Capacità di giudizio:
Being able to compare and to do critical evaluations in order to achieve a personal opinion supported by arguments and facts.
Abilità operative:
Being able to observe pictures, videos (documentaries, movies, fiction), titles of the newspapers, advertisings etc. in order to gather the iconographic aspects related to the “discourses” and to the cultural practices.
Being able to looking for and to “read” data (tables, graphics etc.) for identifying trends and conceptual relevance of the values (i.e. when the absolute numbers or when the percentage) in order to do interpretative synthesis.
Being able to work in group and to exchange views with others for reaching a common goal.
Being able to work autonomously in looking for data and information for writing a relation (or for having an opinion) in which the capabilities of a critical approach to the sources are clear as well the capability of a personal evaluation.
A generic knowledge of the location of the major states in the continents, and the names and the number of the European states. It's suggested to buy a physical and political map of the world.
The conceptual frame of Political and Economic Geography. The comparison between the key concepts of the Classic Geography and the ones of international Critical Geography.
The role of the "memes" in the building process of ideas, identities and groups. The concepts of Cultural island and cultural drift. The great world cultural areas and the specific characteristics (iconographies and discourses). Comparison, similarities and differences. The current change dynamics.
The characteristics of the space and the different approaches in order to conceive it.
The Western development model for production and consumerism, its environmental impact and the spread of the model through the process of globalization. It is going to be analyzed the way of economic "expansion" of some emerging countries also in relation and comparison con the Western way, using the critical approach close to the one of Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel prize for economy, and of the economist Paul Krugman as well as other alternative approaches.
A particular attention is given to USA and China and other main international actors as well as a general look to the current dynamics in the so-called South.
Finally the course will pay attention to the nationalistic vs. federalistic dynamics of and within the European Union and Europe in general, challenged by the migration pressure.
Eva F., Caging, selfcaging, materialità, piramidi, meme, come migliori strumenti di analisi geopolitica, 2012; the article will be available on the Moodle platform of the University. For the version in English ask the teacher.

dell’Agnese E., Geografia politica critica, Guerini Scientifica Edizioni, Milano, 2005.

Calchi Novati G. (a cura di), L'alternativa Sud-Sud, chi vince e chi perde, Carocci, Roma, 2011. Not compulsory for the final examination chapter 6 (pp.139-145), 8 (pp. 169-179) and 10 (pp. 203-225). (WARNING: The Chapter 2 of this text is going to be critically analyzed by the teacher; the comments will be posted on Moodle and they are compulsory for the examination sessions).

The last compulsory textbook is a student choice (but not for the students of Commercio Estero and others courses, see the Warning) between:

Martinelli A., Mal di nazione. Contro la deriva populista, EGEA, Milano, 2013.

Nebbia G., Ecologia e Economia, Andrea Pacilli editore, Manfredonia (FG), 2017.

Parenti F.M. Rosati M., Geofinanza e Geopolitica, EGEA, Milano, 2016.

WARNING: the students of Commercio Estero or other courses have the compulsory choice of the text Parenti-Rosati, as the fourth text to read for the examination.
For those students it is welcome the communication via email to the teacher about the intention to participate in the examination.

Suggested readings for personal culture (NOT for the examination):

(related to Eva introducing article) Stefano Boni, Culture e poteri. Un approccio antropologico, elèuthera, Milano 2011.
Amato F., dell'Agnese E. (editors), Schermi americani. Geografia e geopolitica degli Stati Uniti nelle serie televisive, Unicopli, Milano, 2014.
Volpato C., Le radici psicologiche della disuguaglianza, Laterza, Bari, 2019

(Geopolitics - related to dell’Agnese) Fabio Mini, Mediterraneo in guerra, Einaudi, Torino, 2012

(Agricolture and South– related to Calchi Novati) Cristina Morra, L’agricoltura nel mondo, Letizia Editore, Arezzo, 2014

(related to Nebbia) Segré Andrea, Vivere a spreco zero, Marsilio, Venezia, 2013

(Economy – related to Parenti-Rosati and Martinelli-Europe) Luciano Gallino, Il colpo di stato di banche e governi. L’attacco alla democrazia in Europa, Einaudi, Torino, 2013

(related to the 2018-19 academic year adopted book Gallegati) Michael Albert, Oltre il capitalismo, elèuthera, 2007. Serge Latouche, Didier Harpagès, Il tempo della decrescita, elèuthera, Milano, 2011. Michael Albert, L’economia partecipativa, Datanews, 2003. Michael Albert, Il libro dell’economia partecipativa, Il Saggiatore.
The final examination is written; a total of six questions to be replied with an open text, related to the compulsory books and article (Eva, dell'Agnese, Calchi-Novati [with a specific critical comment by Eva on chapter 2], last book along personal choice).
Two hours the total available time.
Dynamic/participated frontal lesson. During the lesson and after having stressed the main conceptual keys the teacher will invite the students to participate with questions and/or personal motivated opinions. The vision of photos, videos and documentaries will facilitate a better and more precise territorial and cultural analysis, and also power point presentations related to specific topics as well for methodological lessons.
The reference to current geopolitical dynamics will be constatnt and the students are strongly invited to watch regularly TV News and the newspapers pages related to foreign affairs and international relations issues.
During the lessons period the attendant and no-attendant students can utilize the MOODLE Platform (password to be asked the teacher); through MOODLE the materials used during the lessons and other documents will be available.
Furthermore the students could send the teacher personal comments (from 4000 to 6000 characters) at the end of each compulsory text explanation or also on topics (geopolitical and/or economic dynamics) agreed with the teacher. Those comments could be evaluated and can contribute to the results of the final examination, compensating weak/unacceptable replies to the questions.
It's going to be used the MOODLE platform of the University in order to support the students (through help schemes) during the course and for adding materials (articles and videos) used during the lessons and others useful materials for a better knowledge of the topics. This platform is really useful for students not attending the lessons.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/08/2020