Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM7020 (AF:332522 AR:178562)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course provide an overview of the models of enterprise, above all from an historical point of view, in pre-industrial age, their development and their resilience in the industrial economy.
Knowledge to the historical-economic and socio-cultural phenomena which support the success of the enterprises, in European area, and the accountancy as a tool of management, studied in particular through the Venice Arsenal, the first form of large enterprise in the western world. Knowledge of the reasons and of the forms of the birth of big companies already in the pre-modern era.
The basic contents given in the three-years teaching of Economic History are required.
1. Pre-industrial enterprise;
2. The enterprise on the eve of the first industrial revolution;
3. Work organization in the first forms of enterprises in Europe;
4. The work of men and women.
-Franco Franceschi, ".... e saremo tutti ricchi. Lavoro, mobilità sociale e conflitti nelle città dell'Italia medievale". Pisa: Pacini editor, 2012.
-Luca Zan, Franco Rossi, Stefano Zambon, "Il discorso del maneggio. Pratiche gestionali e contabili all'Arsenale di Venezia, 1580-1643". Bologna: Il Mulino, 2006 (with esclusion of the "Appendice").
-Paola Lanaro, Christophe Austruy (edited by), "L'Arsenale di Venezia: da grande complesso industriale a risorsa patrimoniale", Venezia, Marsilio, 2020 (release scheduled for early October 2020).

Additional reading (not compulsory): -Sidney Pollard, "The genesis of modern management. A study of the industrial revolution in Great Britain", London: Edwar Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. 1965, capitoli I, II, IV.
During the lessons the students will discuss with the teacher some subjects concerning the course: the exposition of these texts will be part of the final valuation (OF COURSE ONLY FOR THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN PART TO THE LESSONS):
The exams will be only in written form, in presence.
Any changes will be communicated in the "Notices" area "Avvisi" and in moodle space.
Front lessons in italian and deepening in classroom with the participation of experts. In addition with the teacher the students could visit visit of the "Museo storico di Venezia",one of the most important of Europe,
The three-years and magistrates thesis can be requested only after attending of the relative course.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/10/2020