Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0475 (AF:334494 AR:177218)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The History Teaching Workshop is addressing to Master's Degree course in History from Middle Age to Contemporary Age. The main purpose of this course is to provide scholars with the basic methodological and didactic tools in order to deal with a history studies learning program as a professional. Starting from the need to have them progressively switching from the student's to the teacher's point of view, the aim is to start a reflection over the present situation of History teaching and learning. It is also meant to inform about learning models transformation in Italy , from the most recent ministerial guidelines in nowadays school to the building and strengthening of scientifically proven skills, through specific planning and analysis activities.
Particular attention shall be therefore given to History teaching methodological issues. All planning activity, on one hand, shall focus on how to justify choices of those topics to be discussed along the academic year while processing unit works. On the other hand, specific guidelines will be given for learning practices on the use of support main tools for class activities ( student book, work book, sources files, historiography, newspaper articles)
The main goal is to lead scholars who intent pursuit one's professional path in school closer to issues related the teaching of History with the present situation.
At the end of this course, in particular, they ought to:
•know most relevant contribution in Historiography, in History Teaching, in public speaking related to History educational program and to whom may concern main changing of Italian School in the last years.
•show knowledge of the last twenty year institutional Reforms which actually modified its educational system e and all History teaching programs.
•be aware of how troubled the relationship between generational changing may be and how the notion of Past may affect both History teaching and learning.
•make correct use of the subjects main categories when setting educational activities, also taking into account the relationship between timelines division of Historiography and partitions of academic History.
•acquire the fundamentals of educational mediation tools and methods, also relating to different cognitive processes underpinning historical skills.
•know and use, in their basic models, educational planning tools per Unit of Learning, also taking into account of educational aims, of thematic criteria, of times and methods, of tools, main aims, different checking and evaluation approaches.
•know the potential of different sources, in terms of educational use, also while putting them into a specific context related to discussed topics as a basic tool to build one's historical knowledge.
•recognize all main History Student's Book types, its functions and uses, taking account of different suggested narrations, of present educational, iconographic and documentary systems.
•correctly deal with access to multimedia, archives, museum's and archeological contents within the Web as a resource to plan different path of study, with particular focus on those related to the environment situation.
No prerequisites are required.
• Teaching and learning history nowadays: methodological perspectives (approaches),, didactic strategies, educational needs and topics. The school history curricola in Italy and an overview of the European ones.
•The younger generations and the History: a complex relationship with the Past and the Memory; the “narrative History” and the “Historical issues”.
•The components of the structures of History: time, space and causality; the problem of history periodization and the partition of the school subject History.
•The didactic mediation: methods and tools for acquiring cognitive and operational skills. A new profile of History teacher.
•The didactic planning: educational purposes, thematic criteria, timelines, methods, tools, specific objectives, types of assessment and evaluation criteria. Planning by Unit of Learning and the “History lesson”.
•The educational use of the sources to build one’s historical knowledge: the didactic potential of different sources. Some examples concerning the digital learning materials.
•The History inside and outside the school: the History Student’s Book types, its functions, uses and choice’s criteria; the educational use of archives, museum’s and archeological contents; the Web and the multimedia sources in the didactic activity; the public and media use of History.
For a general shot about the issues related to the History teaching in the Secondary school and the main planning methods :
R. Bravin, C. Crivellari, La storia a scuola. Guida metodologico-didattica all’insegnamento della storia nella scuola secondaria, Padova, 2019 (edizioni Cleup)
About the History sense and value:
P. Bevilacqua, L’utilità della storia: il passato e gli altri mondi possibili, Donzelli, 2004
M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o mestiere di storico, Einaudi, 2009
P. Levi, I sommersi e i salvati, Einaudi, 2014
The teacher will provide other documents , articles and essays .
Students are assessed both in an oral examination and in the planning of a Learning Unit. Oral examination consists in a debate regarding the didactic process related to the topics of the secondary school’s curricola.
Classroom lessons are structured in two parts: the first one deals with the theory and the second one, practical, is based on the analysis of the documents provided by the teacher. Activities of didactic planning and revision of written work remotely.At the beginning of the course, an open-ended questionnaire regarding student’s experiences in the historical field will be administered. If it is possible, students should experience a short job-shadowing period in an accredited school.
Office hours: Wednesday from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. , Malcanton Marcorà, first floor, room 1A11, by appointment.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 23/09/2020