Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0011 (AF:335839 AR:176464)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames F-O
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is characteristic for those who choose the Spanish language and literature A or B in the degree in "Languages, civilizations and language sciences", class 11, (Modern languages and cultures) and for all three courses offered (Cultural Literary , Linguistic-philological-glottodidactic, political-international). It can also be included in the study plan as "free choice credits" or as a related-integrative subject.
The course aims to offer a panoramic approach to Spanish literature of the twentieth century (from 1898 until the turn of the millennium) by organizing the path around some particularly fruitful historical and cultural moments from a literary point of view. In addition, the course will provide students with the basic critical and methodological tools aimed at acquiring literary text comprehension and analysis skills that favour their own autonomy of judgment.
1. Knowledge and understanding of
- some of the main phenomena of the Spanish literary and cultural history of the 1900s;
- literary and artistic genres of the period;
- methodologies of cultural object analysis (literary, visual and performative);
- some fundamental texts in their original form and in different genres (poetry, fiction, theater, cinema).
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of:
- a cultural object (the literary text), its functioning and its insertion in the historical and aesthetic context;
- apply the analysis methods for understanding the society and culture that produced the object studied;
- analyze a literary text and comment on it with appropriate language and scientific methodology;
- literary texts in their original form.
3. Ability to judge by:
- independent learning;
- self-assessment of one's skills for understanding the Spanish language and its literature;
- communicate the results of the readings and analyzes developed in an argumentative and critical way in Italian and Spanish.
No prerequisite is mandatory, but a good knowledge of Spanish will facilitate the reading of the texts.
The program will develop from the most important moments in which Spanish literature is articulated during the twentieth century. Attention will be paid to the historical, socio-economic, political and cultural circumstances in which the various groups, movements, trends and literary phenomena that characterize the period from "Desastre of '98" to the beginning of the new millennium. Without forgetting the watershed constituted by the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship, the analysis of some texts (a selection of poems, a story, a couple of novels) will be proposed with which it will be possible to follow the contemporary literary debate. In this sense, special attention will be paid to autobiographical writing and memory.
Mandatory readings:
- An anthology of texts will be given by the teacher during the module.
- Three novels:
o "Nada" (1944) by Carmen Laforet
o "Escenas de cine mudo" (1994) by Julio Llamazares
o "Los girasoles ciegos" (2004) by Alberto Méndez

Texts for the study:
- Remo Ceserani, Guida breve allo studio della letteratura, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2005 (pp. 22-42; pp. 100-129; pp. 149-178).
- Cesare Segre, Avviamento all’analisi del testo letterario, Torino, Einaudi, 1985 (pp. 5-28; pp.).
- Maria Grazia Profeti (a cura di), L’età contemporanea della letteratura spagnola. Il Novecento, Milano, La Nuova Italia, 2001.

Critical bibliography:
- José Carlos Mainer (coord.), Historia de la literatura española, 6. Modernidad y nacionalismo 1900-1939, Barcelona, Crítica, 2010.
- Jordi Gracia, Domingo Ródenas, Historia de la literatura española. 7. Derrota y restitución de la modernidad 1939-2010, Barcelona, Crítica, 2011.
- Julián Casanova, Carlos Gil Andrés, Breve historia de España en el siglo XX, Barcelona, Ariel, 2012.
- José Carlos Mainer, Tramas, libros, nombres. Para entender la literatura española 1944-2000, Barcelona, Tusquets, 2002.
- Francisco Rico (coord.), Historia crítica de la Literatura Española, 9 vols. y sus suplementos, Barcelona: Ariel, 1980-2000. (tomos 6-9).
- Fernando Valls, Sombras del tiempo. Estudio sobre el cuento español contemporáneo (1944-2015), Iberoamericana, Madrid, 2016 (pp. 23-30; pp. 97-110)

Recommended film (non mandatory):
- "Un chien andalou" (1929) di Luis Buñuel
- "La vida en un hilo" (1947) di Edgar Neville
- "¡Bienvenido, Mr. Marshall!" (1953) di Luis García Berlanga
- "Viridiana" (1961) di Luis Buñuel,
- "El espíritu de la colmena" (1973) di Víctor Erice
- "Los santos inocentes" (1984) di Mario Camus
- "Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios" (1988) di Pedro Almodóvar
- "Abre los ojos" (1997) di Alejandro Amenábar
- "El espinazo del diablo" (2001) di Guillermo del Toro

Specific teaching materials will be available online during the course development.
Verification of learning occurs in two ways:
1) the preparation of a commentary on a text during the course
2) a final oral exam: the exam consists of three questions (short definition of concepts, general topic to be developed and a commentary on a text).
The student's active participation in the lessons is welcome.
The course will combine theoretical and practical lessons: in addition to the teacher's lessons, the student will have to prepare the compulsory and supplementary readings to discuss them critically during the lessons. Some critical texts and other materials will be available on the University's Moodle platform.
Teaching language: Italian.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/07/2020