Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0116 (AF:339125 AR:180039)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is part of the electives of the program Economia Aziendale. The aim of the course is to deepen the students’ understanding of one crucial aspect of the ongoing Digital Revolution: the transformation of markets, B2B and B2C, due to the diffusion of digital technologies. These themes are particularly relevant today when the global lockdown implied almost all economic actors to move their activities and relations within the digital sphere. Understanding how this new way of conceiving market relations can shape organizations, relations among firms, and those between consumers and firms allows to adopt an original point of view useful to re-read also the content of previous courses. This will allow students to develop their own vision of what they have learned in the whole Corso di Studi from the perspective of the nowadays technological transformation.
The course is aimed at developing students’ critical attitude facing them with dilemmas and questions emerging naturally from inquiry into the digital transformation of markets. In particular, students will be exposed first to interpretative models of digital markets, highlighting weaknesses and strengths, and discussing their application to real cases. Students will then face case studies and scientific analyses, and will meet representatives of firms and organization active in digital markets, with the aim of applying the different models seen in class. The mode of this interaction will be based on the critical method: discussion and formation of each student own’s opinion will be key to this moment. Group work will allow students to match these concepts with reality, identifying in an original way the level of applicability of the different models and thus elaborating their own personal conclusions, leading to operational results that may be useful for their future work once graduated.
In particular, the expected learning outcomes will be the following:
1. Knowledge and understanding
● Knowledge of the fundamental elements of digital markets.
● Knowledge of the models of reference and relative interpretation of digital markets.
● Knowledge of the main problems related to the structure of digital markets and to the corporate strategies of the companies operating in them.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
● Ability to critically approach issues related to digital markets.
● Ability to apply the models seen in class to reality, linking them to concrete cases
3. Ability to judge
● Ability to identify the limits of the models seen in class in comparison with reality, reviewing them in a personal way
4. Communication skills
● Ability to work in a team (peer-to-peer communication) and to present in class (one-to-many)
5. Learning skills
● Ability to identify by comparison with reality the necessary adaptations to what has been learned in class
No specific pre-requisite is necessary for this course
The initial part of the course will present the main perspective applied and the main elements characterizing digital markets. Based on these elements, three models will be analyzed more in depth: the free model, servitization, and the sharing economy. Departing from these models, the concept of dis-intermediation will be placed at the center for the incoming session, referring in particular to B2C and B2B e-commerce. Particular attention will be devoted to the way in which dis-intermediation applies to platform economy, the center of the final part of the course.
Francesco Rullani, Enzo Rullani (2018) Dentro la rivoluzione digitale. Per una nuova cultura dell'impresa e del management, Giappichelli, Torino, ISBN 9788892176942 (ebook) ISBN 9788892115248 (print).

For each session, a set of chapters from the previous book will be identified, plus a series of other scientifica articles and readings that will be placed on Moodle
The final acquisition of competences by the students will be tested with reference to:
1) Groupwork developed and presented during the course. In this case the evaluation will be centered around the capability of the student to connect theories seen in class with the chosen case.
2) The written exam, lasting 1 hour and comprising open and multiple-choice questions. In this case the aim is to test students’ understanding of the course concepts and capability to connect them to cases seen during the course and to the real cases presented in class.
3) Class participation, resulting in a possible bonus when students behave proactively.
Students not attending classes will be evaluated only on the basis of the written exam.
Due to Covid emergency, the exam procedure may be subject to modifications.
The course comprises some initial lectures aimed at providing the basic knowledge relative to digital markets. Some lecture will be frontal lectures, and will be centered on specific theoretical themes. Others will be based on case presentation and discussion with the students. Moreover, some operators active in digital markets will be called to share their experience with the students.
At the same time, students can participate in groupwork sessions aimed at matching the theoretical concepts seen in class to the real case chosen by their group. The groupwork has the central function of bridging theory and reality, and is thus key. Students’ groups will be able to choose the cases that are mostly interesting to them, of course within the limits of the course’s main themes.
Due to Covid emergency, the course delivery may be subject to modifications.
Support to students with disabilities is assured by Ca' Foscari. In case, please write an inquiry to
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/05/2022