Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM1411 (AF:339157 AR:188054)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
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The teaching falls within the educational activities that characterize the DATA ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIETY degree course in Economics, which prepares students on aspects related to business and the management of databases of various kinds.

The educational objective of the teaching is to provide knowledge relating to:

1 - knowledge of business processes that characterizes the management of human resources from the research and selection phase along the entire path of people in the company;
2 - the management of data relating to the actions of people in the company, the activities of the HR department and the integration between company functions and use;
3 - the digital transformation of companies, of the human resources (HR) department, the role of digital technology and of the solutions available to HR and the integration between interfunctional and intrafunctional solutions - co
4 - how the role of the human resources (HR) department evolves and what are the trends of the role in the company.

This topcis is then used to prepare students to develop knowledge related to processes, roles and technologies (digital solutions) adopted in the HR field.
Knowledge and understanding
1.1. acquire knowledge of the main HR processes;
1.2 acquire knowledge of the activities (flows) within each process that generates data relating to people.
1.2 acquire knowledge about the activities implemented by the HR department

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
2.1. knowing how to exemplify the entire life cycle of the employee in the company;
2.2. know how to identify the different digital tools that can be adopted in order to manage the activities within the HR department;
2.3. know how to apply the various technological (digital) tools made available to HR processes and how to identify them.

3. Judgment skills
3.1. knowing how to determine the most appropriate method for evaluating different types of tools available in relation to the company reality;
3.2. knowing how to critically evaluate the tools available and understand the main differences
General knowledge of the main functions of business organizations through the basic courses of economics of the three-year degree course in Economics.
Having achieved the educational objectives of ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS 1 [ET3006] even without necessarily having passed the exams of these courses.
In particular, the student should be able to master the basic terminology relating to business organizations.
- HR processes - 'hard' and 'soft' processes
- Digital methodologies within various aspects of the HR sector: recruiting, training, performance, development, organization and internal communication
- Digital Transformation processes
- Social collaboration and innovation in the company - the new collaboration tools
- What does it mean to introduce new tools - change management processes in a digital context
- The Employee Experience and HR processes: the use of UX Design and HR Analytics tools
- Employer Branding and internal communication - Structuring an editorial plan and use of digital channels and tools
- Real business cases
DIGITAL HR - A Critical Management Approach to the Digitilization of Organizations - Amelia Manuti, Pasquale Davide de Palma, palgrave pivot
MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES - Luis R. Gòmez-Mejía, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy, Pearson

additional material on Moodle
The teaching includes two complementary ways of verifying learning:
- During the course period, the student is invited to carry out the exercises and self-assessment tests proposed on the e-learning platform.
- At the end of the course the student will have to take the final exam.

The final exam consists of a written test of about 60 minutes.

In particular, the exam aims to verify that the student has acquired the concepts presented during the lessons, is familiar with the topics presented and with the HR processes, with the evolution of technologies; will be able to demonstrate that they have understood how the role of human resources has evolved, how to manage processes and have mastery in making practical examples of the adoption of technologies for managing the processes themselves.
Teaching organized in:
a) lectures;
b) thematic insights offered to students aimed at presenting the different solutions on the market that represent the practical management of HR processes through new technologies
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/02/2022