Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
NU003A (AF:342434 AR:182218)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Educational sector code
Summer course
Course year
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This course is part of the Minor Scrittura e comunicazione, which also includes La scrittura 'creativa' and Laboratorio di comunicazione. These three courses must be chosen together and cannot be separated.
The course aims to provide students with skills in academic and - especially - professional writing by means of frontal teaching and practical exercises. These writing skills needed to truly support one's own business or professional goals are often missing. This Minor is therefore an important resource for students from any degree program.
This course combines face-to-face lessons with writing exercises, through which students are led to strengthen their expressive resources. At the end of the course, the students will ideally have strengthened their mastery of expressive styles and registers.
No pre-requirements (basic skills in Italian grammar are desirable).
In working life, at university, in private life: every day each of us is constantly measured by writing tests, from worksheets to memos to presentations, from term papers to dissertations, from e-mails to chats. There has never been so much writing as in recent years. And, probably, there has never been so much bad writing: the continuous demand for writing, in fact, often catches us unprepared. This course intends to bring the students closer to the multiform universe of writing, which is wider and more diversified than what school and university normally represent, and thus strengthen their writing skills.

F. Rossi-F. Ruggiano, Scrivere in italiano. Dalla pratica alla teoria, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

Further readings:

M. Beltramo-M.T. Nesci, Dizionario di stile e scrittura, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2011.

RIF – Repertorio italiano di famiglie di parole. Dagli etimi ai significati per arricchire il lessico, ed. by M. Colombo-P. D’Achille, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2019.
60%: practical exercises; 40%: written exam.
Frontal teaching and exercises.
This course is part of the Minor in Scrittura e comunicazione, which also includes La scrittura 'creativa' and Laboratorio di comunicazione. These three courses must be chosen together and cannot be separated.
Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/01/2021