Academic year
2020/2021 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0225 (AF:343475 AR:179340)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
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The course aims to provide students with methodological tools and specific knowledge on urban history in Europe and the United States between the half of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century.
Objectives of the course are:
provide methodological tools for the study of the contemporary metropolis; present the main reflections on the city in the architectural culture of the time; examine some significant examples also as a basis for a possible further study of different situations; develop reflection skills on the different reasons and methods of development and intervention on the city in different contexts.
The course constitutes one of the two modules of the course of Contemporary Architecture sp 12 CFU among the fundamentals of the curriculum
1. Knowledge and understanding:
- Provide the understanding of in international contest
- Provide a firm grounding of the language of the discipline.
2. Skills:
- Students must be able to examine the city from a historical perspective
- Students must demonstrate a correct use of the language of the discipline in all its practical applications
3. Critical judgement:
- Students must be able to formulate and logically structure analyses, developing a critical approach to the themes and questions discussed in class.
4.Communication skills:
- Students must be able to communicate on specific themes and issues using appropriate terminology.
- Students must be able to interact with one another and with the mmmmmmmm in an appropriate and respectful way, in class and on the digital platform.
- Students must be able to logically and coherently organize their thought on themes touched upon by this course.
5. Learning skills:
- Students must be able to consult and critically use the bibliography given througout the course.

This course presumes previous knowledge of the basic thresholds in the history of Early Modern and Modern architecture, studied during the first three-years degree.
The course outlines the problems of urban development between the half of the nineteenth century up to the second post-war period.
Main topics of the lessons:
The nineteenth century: urban growth as a disease and the proposed solutions (health, safety and environment). Workers' villages and urban extensions.
City planning and building regulations. Case studies for the nineteenth century (Barcelona; Vienna; Berlin; Paris; Venice; London).
Garden City; Linear City (Madrid); City Beautiful (Chicago); Tony Garnier: une cité Industrielle.
Urban, country and regional planning.
The contribution of the architects between the two wars: reconstruction and urban expansion (social housing and new neighborhoods). Public housing in the Weimar Republic.
The idea of ​​a city according to Le Corbusier (Ville Radieuse, plan for Algiers) and F.L. Wright (Broadacre City)
Architecture and cities, the CIAM
- Peter Geoffrey Hall, Cities of tomorrow. An intellectual history of urban planning and design in the Twentieth Century, Oxford, Blackwell, 2002 (3. ed)
- Neil Levine, The urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright, Princeton - Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2016
- Le Corbusier. Visions d’Alger, sous la direction de Jean Lucien Bonillo, Paris, Editions de la Villette, 2012
- Lorenzo Spagnoli, Storia dell’urbanistica moderna, 2008
- I classici dell’urbanistica moderna : Alexander, Astengo, Benevolo, Bernoulli, Cullen, De Carlo, Geddes, Giovannoni, Howard, Le Corbusier, Lynch, Mumford, Poëte, Samonà, Sitte, a cura di Paola Di Biagi, Roma, Donzelli, 2009

At the beginning of the lessons the detailed program will be provided containing: complete bibliography and reading for the exam; main topics to be studied in depth for the exam.
The basic text of the course is Donatella Calabi, Storia dell’urbanistica europea, Mondadori, 2008 (2004) (some parts that will be indicated in the program)

Oral exam. During the exam the student must demonstrate an in-depht knowledge of the themes and aspects touched upon in class and be able to command the appropriate language to discuss about them.
Lctures by the teacher. Power-point presentations of the lectures and readings for the discussion in class will be find in moodle.unive.it
Attendance is not mandatory but recommended.
For the registration of the examen of Contemporary Architecture sp 12CFU the student must have supported both tests of the exam: History of Architecture and History of Urban Planning and development.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/04/2020