Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0104 (AF:354080 AR:190676)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
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Institutional course; it aims to provide the students with the basic principles of the philology.
Course objectives are the following: ability to analyse an Italian ancient or modern text from a philological point of view and to read a critical edition; skill in describing and applying the principles of the philology; knowledge of the basic bibliographical instruments of the discipline.
The achievement of these goals will furnish the students with a methodological basis to read consciously modern and ancient texts from a philological point of view.
By the end of the cours students are expected to be able to:
- know the basic philological terminology;
- know the basic bibliographical instruments of the discipline;

- apply the principles of the philology;
- analyze from a philological point of view an Italian literary text;
- read consciously a critical edition;
- describe with terminological competence the fundamental principles of the discipline;
- read and discuss knowledgeably the referral texts, formulating judgements;
- use bibliographical instruments of the discipline (historical grammars, historical and etymological dictionaries).
Foreigners attending this course are expected to be fluent in Italian and to have a general knowledge of the Italian literature.
The course offers the principles of philology, paleography and codicology, and shows all the instruments useful for the restitution of Italian literary texts. Some of the theoretical matters will be: Lachmann method, edition with o without autograph manuscripts; edition of texts transmitted by one or more manuscripts and by printed books; edition of texts in their making; problems of final authorial intention. All the methodological issues will be examined through several examples from Italian texts and through practical exercises (reading of codices or printed books, analysis of critical editions).
Obligatory texts:
- P. Stoppelli, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2008.
- F.M. Bertolo, P. Cherubini, G. Inglese, L. Miglio, Breve storia della scrittura e del libro, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (X ediz.).
- Bibliographical material handed out during the lessons.

Other optional texts will be available on the e-learning platform

Not-attending students must read also:
- P. Italia, G. Raboni, Che cos'è la filologia d'autore, Roma, Carocci, 2010.
- Fondamenti di critica testuale. Nuova edizione, a cura di A. Stussi, Bologna, il Mulino, 2006 (only chapters 2, 6, 8)
Written test at the end of the first two terms; oral test for the other ones. The examination will verify the knowledge of the theoretical problems and of the practical examples discussed in class.
The written exam (to be completed in 90 minutes) consists of a series of open questions and a practical exercise (a critical edition).
The oral exam is organized in the same way (a series of questions and an exercise of reading from a manuscript reproduction).
Frontal lessons; all the texts discussed in class will be available on the e-learning platform
Not-attending students are invited to contact the lecturer in order to establish the date for an oral examination.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/09/2021