Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0980 (AF:356443 AR:210870)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course aims at giving the studens a theoretical, methodological and applicative introduction into the historical/diachronic perspective of the scientific study of language. Language change phenomena will be considered both through traditional and new perspectives in the field. Informatic instruments for the quantitative analysis of historical linguistic data will be examined; the students will be moreover able to analyse texts dating back to previous historical phases of the languages studied, by considering universal properties of language and recurring language change phenomena, thereby enriching their knowledge of the structure of the languages objective of study.
Student Learning Objectives (SLO):
1. Knowledge and understanding
Students will know and understand the linguistic terminology, the relevant refferral texts and the methodology used in historical linguistics;
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Students will master the appropriate terminology in applying and communicating the acquired knowledge. They will be able to recognize, describe and analyse language change phenomena.
3. Making judgements
Students will be able to formulate and discuss hypotheses and develop a critical reasoning about theories and methodologies in historical linguistics and about linguistic data examined in class.
4. Communication skills
Students will be able to communicate and describe language change phenomena and the critical debate about theories and methodologies by means of the appropriate terminology.
5. Learning skills
Students will be able to critically evaluate the referral texts, thereby reaching autonomous judgement skills.
Basic linguistic notions and terminology acquired in one or more modules such as: general linguistics, language teaching, Germanic/Romance/Slavic philology.
The course constitutes a theoretical, methodological and applicative introduction to historical linguistics. Topics of the course are the main language change mechanisms, analysed also through newer developments in the field and informatic methods used. Linguistic data will also be manipulated and analysed.
- Introduction to the programme and assessment modalities
- Brief history of the discipline
- Main language change mechanisms and classification of languages
- Phonologic change
- Morphologic change
- Syntactic change
- Language change phenomena at the interface between syntax and pragmatics: case studies
- Semantic change
- Lexical change
- Grammaticalisation and reanalysis
- Jespersen’s cycle: traditional and newer perspectives
- Internal and external factors in language change
- Cartographic and minimalistic approaches to language change
- Informatic instruments and quantitative methods in historical linguistics
- notes taken in class and materials uploaded onto Moodle;
- Shukla, Shaligram / Connor-Linton, Jeff (2008). Il mutamento linguistico. Bologna: il Mulino.
- Campbell. Lyle (2013). Historical Linguistics. An Introduction. 3rd edition. Edinburh: Edinburgh University Press. Chapters: 2 (Sound Change), 9 (Semantic Change and Lexical Change), 10 (Morphological Change), 11 (Syntactic Change).

- materials uploaded onto Moodle;
- Shukla, Shaligram / Connor-Linton, Jeff (2008). Il mutamento linguistico. Bologna: il Mulino.
- Campbell. Lyle (2013). Historical Linguistics. An Introduction. 3rd edition. Edinburh: Edinburgh University Press.
The exam consists in 5 open questions, to which a specific mark will be assigned, making a total of 30/30 (cum laude). The exam lasts 90 minutes.
Open questions allow to test the acquisition of knowledge, critical thought, as well as specific skills such as comparing different phases of the same language, or different languages dating back to the same historical period. Knowledge and understanding skills will be evaluated through content questions, whereas applying knowledge and making judgement learning objectives will be checked through exercises and methodological questions. Communicative skills will be evaluated through the usage of the appropriate terminology.
Lectures; teacher-led discussions in class.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/05/2022