Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4004 (AF:358480 AR:188778)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames L-Z
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The course examines the most significant legal institutions about the management of individual and collective working relationships. The course follows a practical approach, exploring relevant case-law and collective agreements' structures and contents. Specific focuses are dedicated to new and innovative issues emerging from the last reforms (jobs act) and the covid-19 crisis. The course prepares for professional careers as an HR manager, labour consultant and other similar positions.
Each year relevant practitioners/actors are invited for seminars, and/or the Experior project is activated.

By actively attending the lectures and by taking in the class activities, as well as by the individual study, the students will earn:
1. Knowledge and comprehension of labour law institutions;
2. Ability to orient themselves in the current labour market, either as an employee or as an employer;
3. Ability to evaluate own rights and duties as an employee; ability to benefit from the opportunities in labour-management and awareness of the limits set by the legal framework.
The course assumes the basic knowledge of private law.
The sources of labour and employment law. Constitutional principles and the Workers' Statute, today. Trade unions, enterprises' organizations and the collective agreements. Collective bargaining, levels, effectiveness and role of the individual contracts. The constitution and the types of the employment relationship. Self-employment, subordination and contractual relationships. The organization of the company and its articulation. Temporary work, transfer of business, contracts/procurements and secondments. The remuneration. The corporate welfare for workers. Dismissals and resignations in 2015. The protection of workers' rights. The role of law and case-law in the application of labour and employment law.
W. Chiaromonte, M.P. Monaco, M.L. Vallauri, Elementi di diritto del lavoro, Giappichelli, 2021 (chapter XVII excluded)
Learning will be verified with an oral exam on the main topics. Workshops about case studies and activities within the Experior projects (only for attendance students) can be taken into account for the final exam (1/3 of the final mark for each activity).
Teaching is organized in: a) lectures and discussions with active and critical participation of the attendances to develop interactive learning (materials will be available on the e-learning platform of before the classes); b) thematic insights to be presented and discussed individually or by small groups during the classes (for attending students) or during the final oral exam (for non-attending students - in case they ask for this option by e-mail during the first three weeks of the classes); c) possible Experior project ( ).
To complete the knowledge on the subject it is suggested to attend "diritto delle relazioni industrial e nuove tecnologie" and "labour law and enterprises in the international context"

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/04/2022