Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0614 (AF:359740 AR:187480)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course illustrates the complementary use of some non- or micro-invasive analytical techniques to characterize and recognize the materials in works of art pictorial films. Therefore, some spectroscopic and reflectographic diagnostic techniques will be presented, highlighting their potential and limits in the characterization of the materials used in the different artistic techniques. The course will also define the main chemical and physical characteristics of pigments and binders, focusing on their expected response to the diagnostic techniques investigated. Finally, the analysis of some significant case studies will allow to evaluate the complexity of the diagnostic process in a work of art.
The course provides theoretical lectures alongside the analyses of some case studies to training objectives listed below:
1. To provide knowledge of the general principles and the expected results on which the FT-IR, ATR e Raman spectroscopic analytical techniques are based when a work of art is investigate.
2. To provide knowledge of the general principles on which the reflectography techniques most used in diagnostic laboratories are based and their expected results.
3. To provide knowledge on the responses obtained from the different types of non- or micro-invasive analytical techniques and their correlation with the theoretical aspects dealt with.
4. Develop critical sense that allows students to evaluate the potentials, advantages, limitations and complementary of the various analytical techniques studied.
5. Introduce the students to the conscious evaluation of the role of instrumental analytical methods in the specific field of diagnostic.
6. Develop skills in the evaluation and reliability of an analytical data collected on works of art.
7. Develop skills to apply an appropriate experimental approach to scientific investigation on works of art.
8. Develop the ability to critically interpret and evaluate the experimental results in accordance with the theoretical principles that underlie the techniques used.
To achieve the educational objectives are required:
A) Knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of spectroscopic analytical techniques, of the laws on which they are based and of the equations that express them.
B) Knowledge of the main classes of pigments and of their physical and chemical properties.
1. Non or micro-invasive spectroscopic analyses
• Limits, advantages and complementarities of FT-IR, ATR and Raman techniques
• UV-Vis spectroscopy
• X-Ray fluorescence (XRF)

2. Non-invasive reflectography analyses:
• Visible light reflectography (macrophotography, microphotography and orthophotography)
• Ultraviolet fluorescence and reflected fluorescence analysis
• Infrared reflectography
• False-colour infrared reflectography (FCIR)
• X-ray radiography

3. Micro-invasive analyses for the recognition of the materials within the layering of works of art:
• Sampling
• Embedding techniques
• Cross section characterization through microscope observation techniques (optical and SEM microscopy)

4. Outline of the main artistic techniques to define their characteristic stratification in works of art.

5. Introduction to the main classes of pigments and their chemical and physical characteristics

6. Chromophores and functional groups and their characterization in spectroscopic and reflectographic analyses

7. The main classes of pictorial binders: chemical and physical characteristics and characterization through spectroscopic and reflectographic analytical techniques
• oleic binders
• protein binders
• polymeric binders
• inorganic binders

8. Analysis of some case studies
Lesson notes
Lesson slides
Poldi G., Villa G.C.F., Dalla conservazione alla storia dell’arte, Riflettografia e analisi non invasive per lo studio dei dipinti, Edizioni Della Normale, Pisa, 2006
Paolillo L., Giudicianni I., La diagnostica nei Beni Culturali, Moderni Metodi di Indagine, Loghia Publishing & Research, Napoli, 2009
Skoog D.A., West D.M., Holler F.J., Crough S.R., Fondamenti di Chimica Analitica, EdiSES, Napoli, 2015
Horie V., Materials for Conservation, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, 2010
Ball P., Colore, BUR Rizzoli, Milano, 2010
Merrifield MRS. Mary P., Medieval and Renaissance treatises on the arts of painting, Dover Pubblication INC., New York, 1999
Matteini M., Moles A., La chimica nel restauro, Nardini Editore, Firenze, 2004
selected scientific refereed paper
The final learning exam will take place through an oral test. The exam consists of a series of open questions related to the theoretical and applicative aspects of the different analytical techniques dealt with in the lessons. The proposed questions are of different levels: comprehension, application, analysis and critical evaluation.
Teaching will take place through lectures in which spectroscopic and reflectography analytical techniques will be presented and discussed. Theoretical lectures alongside the analyses of some case studies will provided to showing the potentials, advantages, limitations and complementary of the various analytical techniques studied in the field of the diagnostic of works of art.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/01/2022