Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0548 (AF:361446 AR:190620)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
3rd Term
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The course want to illustrate archival methodologies in three specific sectors of digital use both in the public and private sectors: 1. Design, implementation, management and conservation of document management systems; 2. description and communication of historical archives; 3. digitization of documents. In the last thirty years, archival science has faced traditional problems with a renewed approach, influenced by technologies and international research: consequently, the archival work has become more attentive to the needs of the community. The dialectical relationship with the digital world is not purely instrumental, but is a tool for the qualitative refinement of archival products to provide increasingly optimal services to the community.
Knowledge of archival methods and tools for the creation, management, communication of digital documents and the conservation of archival systems. Ability to detect needs, design solutions, critically screen products. Deepening and application of international archival description standards (ISAD-G; ISAR-CPF and NIERA; ISDIHA; ISDF) and ISO-UNI 15489 and OAIS on records management.
Students must know archival elements, some general rules (d.lgs. 42/2004; d.lgs. 196/2003; l. 241/1990 with following changes) and know how public administrations and private organizations are working and know the Italian archival organization.
To analyze how records are created by different organizations.
To analyze records flows and work flow.
To organize and manage archival system.
To plan and manage an archival office: structures and infrastructures.
To write the “manuale di gestione” (the manual of archival management).
To organize archival work with network tools: archival aspect and technologies.
Policies, strategies and methodologies to manage the records keeping system.
Analysis of recent legislation
To describe archival documents and aggregations in current archives and historical archives. Archival information systems. Policies, objectives and techniques of digitization
– G. BONFIGLIO-DOSIO, Sistemi di gestione documentale, Padova, CLEUP, 2017 (terza edizione).
– S. PIGLIAPOCO, Progetto archivio digitale. Metodologia, sistemi, professionalità, Torre del Lago, Civita editoriale, 2016, Cap. VI – Gestione informatica dei documenti, p. 119-150
– S. PIGLIAPOCO, La conservazione delle memorie digitali, in Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma, Carocci, 2014, p. 287-310
– S. VITALI, La descrizione degli archivi nell'epoca degli standard e dei sistemi informatici, in Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma, Carocci, 2014, p. 179-209;
– F. VALACCHI, I sistemi informativi archivistici tra locale, nazionale e internazionale, in Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma, Carocci, 2014, p. 357-380
S. DI FAZIO, Le ontologie, in Descrivere gli archivi al tempo di RIC-CM, a cura di Giorgia Di Marcantonio e Federico Valacchi, Macerata. EUM, 2018, p. 81-114
The learning will be verified both through discussions during the course and through the final examination.
The lectures will be accompanied by visits, even virtual ones, to archival institutes or specific sites.
The lessons will take place in Padua in the Dipartimento di scienze storiche, geografiche e dell'antichità.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/07/2021