Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FOY19 (AF:366558 AR:220616)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Corso di Formazione (DM270)
Educational sector code
Course year
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The course introduces students to the theories and practices of fashion, highlighting its role within design cultures. In particular, we will investigate fashion's relationship with time, the places where it’s designed, produced and consumed, its protagonists and the media.
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge of fashion. It allows to acquire the methodologies and tools necessary to understand the complexity of fashion in the contemporary and global panorama. Among the objectives foreseen:
- knowledge of the historical and theoretical foundations of fashion;
- identification of the main fashion protagonists of the 20th and 21st centuries;
- ability to analyse the material and immaterial objects of fashion;
- understanding of the creative, productive and communicative processes of fashion;
- introduction to environmental, social and human sustainability issues of fashion;
- knowledge of the main online and offline resources for research and in-depth study.
There are no specific requirements.
The course represents an initial approach to fashion design, also from an interdisciplinary perspective. Each lesson will explore one of the aspects that characterise the complexity of the fashion system, including: the figures involved in its conception, production, distribution, and communication and the evolution of the designer's role in history; fashion places between local and global; the relationship with the temporal dimension in a non-linear vision; environmental and social sustainability practices; archives and museums between past and future; digital experimentation and new technologies for fashion.
Breward C., Fashion, Oxford University Press, 2003 (extracts).
Evans C. e Vaccari A. (Eds.), Time in Fashion, Bloomsbury, 2020 (extracts).
Wilson E., Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity, Bloomsbury, 1985 (extracts).
Other bibliographical references for further study of the topics discussed will be provided during the course.
Students' learning will be verified through:
- a course diary documenting and exploring the discussed topics (30%);
- the presentation of a written paper on a topic to be agreed with the lecturer during the course (30%);
- an oral examination on the topics discussed in class (40%).
The course will be developed through lectures, visual analysis of images and videos, group discussions and project activities to be carried out individually and collectively. The active involvement of the students is required during the classroom discussion.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/02/2022