Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0063 (AF:376482 AR:211926)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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Philosophical Hermeneutics is a theoretical discipline and focuses on the dimension of interpretation as the thinking experience of human beings.
There are at least three decisive nodes in the scope of Philosophical Hermeneutics within the Philosophy course of study:
(1) philosophical Hermeneutics vividly rethinks the great questions of the philosophical tradition;
(2) Philosophical Hermeneutics insists on the concrete connection of philosophical studies with the actual existence of humans;
(3) Philosophical Hermeneutics cultivates in its recipients a sense of the multiplicity and mobility of meaning of discourse, especially in important texts.

The hermeneutic-philosophical approach aims at at least two objectives:
(1) learning to read a classical text with due theoretical and historiographical awareness and the necessary critical sense for the multiplicity of meanings;
(2) to open the students' cultural horizon in such a way as to defer the absolutization of the present and not remain hostage to dominant interpretations.
A good knowledge of classical and modern philosophy.
Interpreting the Seinslehre.
Commentary on G.W.F. Hegel's Doctrine of Being

This course is devoted to an examination of the "Doctrine of Being" from G.W.F. Hegel's Science of Logic, with particular reference to the questions of "beginning" and the categorical "first triad" of "being", "nothingness" and "becoming" (WdL, Book I, sect. I, Ch. I). In line with the prerogatives of the teaching, the exegesis of Hegel's work will be conducted on the original edition of 1812, bearing in mind the modifications made for the edition that came out in 1832, and the homologous text of the Encyclopaedia. The precise analysis of the text will be constantly accompanied by the most relevant interpretations of this section of Hegelian logic, showing its persistent hermeneutical relevance.

1) Referral texts

G.W.F. HEGEL, Scienza della Logica. Libro primo. L’essere (1812), a cura di P. Giuspoli, G. Castegnaro e P. Livieri, «Quaderni di Verifiche» 11, Trento 2009, pp. 43-79; G.W.F. HEGEL, Scienza della logica, vol. I, trad. it. di A. Moni, rev. nota Intr. di C. Cesa, introd. di L. Lugarini, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2021, pp. 3-102.

G.W.F. HEGEL, La scienza della logica, a cura di V. Verra, Utet, Torino 1981 [§ 84-88, pp. 257-269].

2) One of the following texts:

L. ILLETTERATI (a cura di), Hegel, Carocci, Roma, 2010, pp. 133-181.

G. MOVIA, Essere nulla divenire sulle prime categorie della “Logica” di Hegel, in «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica», 74, 4, 1986, pp. 513-544.

A. GIANNANTIEMPO QUINZIO, Il "cominciamento" in Hegel, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, 1983, pp. 35-84.

3) One to choose from the following groups:

Group A):

M. HEIDEGGER, La negatività, in Id., Hegel, a cura di Giampiero Moretti, Zandonai, Rovereto, 2010, pp. 5-59. [anche ed. Mimesis, Milano, 2020]
H.G. GADAMER, La dialettica di Hegel, a cura di Riccardo Dottori, Marietti 1820, 2018 [cap. III-IV].


D. Koch, Negatività e storia. Sul confronto di Heidegger con il concetto hegeliano di negatività nel contesto dell'"altro inizio", in A. Aportone (a cura di), Autocoscienza metodo negatività, Bibliopolis, Napoli, 2008, pp. 65-83.
R. Morani, Hegel, Heidegger e la questione del nulla, in Id., Rileggere Hegel. Tempo, soggettività, negatività, dialettica, Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno, 2019, pp. 191-212.
G. Sansonetti, Il pensiero di Gadamer, Morcelliana, Brescia, 1988, pp.75-111 [cap. IV "Hegel tra dialettica ed ermeneutica"]

Group B):

B. SPAVENTA, Le prime categorie della logica di Hegel, in Opere, vol. I, a cura di G. Gentile, Sansoni, Firenze, 1972, pp. 369-437.
G. GENTILE, La riforma della dialettica hegeliana e B. Spaventa, in Id., La riforma della dialettica hegeliana, Sansoni, Firenze, 1954, pp. 3-65.


C. Tuozzolo, L'impossibile dialettica dell'indeterminato in Hegel. Bertrando Spaventa riformatore delle prime categorie?, in M. Diamanti (a cura di), La fortuna di Hegel in Italia nell'Ottocento, Bibliopolis, Napoli, pp. 163-189.
D. Spanio, Il mondo come teogonia, Aracne, Roma, 2012, pp. 67-106.

Group C):

J. HYPPOLITE, Logica ed esistenza. Saggio sulla logica di Hegel, a cura di S. Palazzo, Bompiani, Milano 2017. parts to be selected]
G. DELEUZE, Differenza e ripetizione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1997. [parts to be selected]


R. Morani, Hegel e l'hegelismo francese negli anni Trenta del Novecento, in Id., Rileggere Hegel. Tempo, soggettività, negatività, dialettica, Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno, 2019, pp. 131-173 [in alternativa: R. Morani, Con Hegel, oltre Hegel. Jean Hyppolite e il rischio del pensiero, Orhotes, Napoli-Salerno, 2021]
G. Crivella, Elementi per una de-sintetizzazione del Concetto. Deleuze lettore di Hegel, in M. Moschini (a cura di), Il giovane Hegel. La dialettica e le sue prospettive, Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno,2017, pp. 57-69.

For non-attenders, two to be chosen from:

V. Verra, Su Hegel, il Mulino, Bologna, 2007, pp. 31- 54 [cap. II] e pp. 199-216 [cap. XI]
K. Dusing, Appercezione e unità sintetica in Kant e in Hegel, in Logica ed esperienza, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2008, pp. 83-98.
R. Kroner, Da Kant a Hegel, vol. II, Morcelliana, Brescia, pp. 359-425
R. Finelli, Tipologie della negazione in Hegel, in Logica e dialettica, Bibliopolis, Napoli, pp. 61-93

Recommended commentaries
R. PIPPIN, Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in the “Science of Logic”, Chicago Univrsity Press, 2019.
P. STEKELER-WEITHOFER, Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. Ein dialogischer Kommentar, 3 Bänden, Meiner, Hamburg 2020 s
The examination will be oral. It will consist of illustrating the parts of Hegel's work commented on in class. In addition, the student must bring to the examination a text of his or her choice in secondary literature from among those indicated in section (2), together with one of the three groups proposed in section (3).
Lectures and seminar approach.
Those who do not attend are invited to contact the lecturer before the exam.

Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Ca' Foscari applies Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) for the support and accommodation services available to students with disabilities or specific learning disorders. If you have a motor, visual, hearing or other disability (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010) and you require support (classroom assistance, technological aids for individualised examinations or exams, material in accessible format, note-taking, specialist tutoring to support study, interpreters or other) please contact the Disability and DSA office

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Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/04/2023