Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0555 (AF:376708 AR:208660)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
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The course forms part of the three-year degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management, which provides essential tools for operators in the fields of preservation and promotion of artistic heritage.
The course aims to provide students with an accurate studying on an increasingly central aspect in the most recent historiography and theory of cinema: the role of music and of the sound inside the film.
As rightly claimed by Giovanni Morelli in his last book "Prima la musica poi la cinema" (Venice, Marsilio 2011), the seventh art is born from the great tradition of western music. The course aims to investigate this increasingly important issue that is recognized in the film music in the contemporary audiovisual experience.
- Knowledge of the musical repertories of the XX century
- Knowledge of the history of Film Music from the beginning of XX century to the present day.
- Knowledge of production dynamics and techniques in the different production systems of a soundtrack.
Basic knowledge of musical grammar and basic knowledge of history of contemporary music
During the lessons we will draw a path that goes from the experiments of the early yuears of the last century to the most recent experiences of the video clip through some of the most significant moments of the encounter between sound and image. Besides notions of historical-critical knowledge, students will be offered a series of analytical tools that allow them to read some audiovisual texts.
Notes from the lessons and examples (musical score and film) in projected slides during the lessons.

Required Texts (one of the two text of your choice):
-Michel Chion, Un'arte sonora, il cinema. Storia, estetica, poetica, Torino, Kaplan, 2007.
-Michel Chion, L'audiovisione, Torino, Lindau, 2017.

Additional Texts:
- James Buhler, Theories of the Soundtrack, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019
- Michel Chion, La Musique au cinéma-Nouvelle édition, Paris, Fayard, 2019.

Recommended Texts
- Giovanni Morelli, Prima la musica poi il cinema, Venezia, Marsilio 2011
The method of verifying learning will take place through the drafting of a musical screenplay deduced from the vision of one of the films, chosen from a list that will be delivered during the lessons, with notes, related bibliography and web sites. The paper, 12 pages (24.000 signs, spaces included), has to be sent by email 3 days before the examen, and will be discussed during the orals, with the others topics of the course.will then be discussed during the exam.

Non-attending students must agree with the professor an alternative program.
These are lectures with audivisuals
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/02/2023