Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0131 (AF:378792 AR:258706)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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This course is part of the Bachelor Degree in Humanities (Lettere), curriculum of Science of the literary text and communication.The course aims to present the main features of contemporary Italian, with particular attention to textuality (coherence, cohesion, deixis, intertextuality, etc.) and its role in communicative action. By this way, the course provides the students with a theoretical framework they can apply to the fields of textual analysis and communication studies.

By the end of the course students are expected to be able to:
- acquire the main principles of textual linguistics, with regard to the specific features of the Italian language;
- be aware of the socio-linguistic contexts of use of Italian and of the dynamics of variation, especially as far as the diaphasic and diamesic axes are concerned;
- make use of the proper linguistic terminology concerning textual linguistics and discourse analysis;
- know the basic bibliographical instruments of the discipline;
- analyse Italian texts belonging to different typologies and textual genres;
- study critically the reference texts, by hierarchizing information and allowing notions to interact mutually.
No prerequisite is required.
Introduction to Textual Linguistics (Italian).

The course, which is a natural extension to the previous part, aims to outline the principles of a textual semantics and introduces the students to the textual linguistics and to its main categories. Although the course focuses on contemporary Italian, we will give proper historical to evaluate the formation of some textual genres. After illustrating the areas covered by the discipline, we will explore the properties of the text. Different topics and levels of textual analysis will then be taken into consideration. Among the topics of the course are: the concepts of coherence and cohesion; the notions of textual reference, anaphora, cataphora and deixis; the notion of linguistic act and the basic elements of conversational analysis.

Required bibliography:
Massimo Palermo, Linguistica testuale dell'italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino.

Optional bibliography:
Harald Weinrich, La lingua bugiarda. Possono le parole nascondere i pensieri?, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007.

Students will have to pass an oral exam of 20-30 minutes. During the exam, students should demonstrate their knowledge of the topics discussed in class and illustrated in the reference texts. In particular, students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the main notions and terminology related to textual linguistics. They should also be able to analyse a text chosen from the handouts provided by the teacher.
Frontal lessons; all the texts discussed in class will be available on the e-learning platform
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/12/2023