Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM1501 (AF:398166 AR:214290)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The economics of climate change è un corso base del Master in Economics, Finance, and Sustainability, curriculum Sustainable Finance. L’obiettivo è di fornire agli studenti le conoscenze per la comprensione delle cause dei problemi ambientali e climatici e gli strumenti per analizzarli. La prima parte del corso copre concetti relativi ai fallimenti del mercato in presenza di esternalità e beni pubblici, metodi di valutazione delle risorse ambientali e l’analisi costi-benefici e li problema dell'inquinamento. Nella seconda parte del corso vengono analizzate le politiche climatiche - strumenti di comando e controllo, tasse ambientali e sistemi di scambio di quote di emissione -, le difficoltà che impediscono la cooperazione globale e le politiche climatiche che sono possibili nel mondo reale.
Knowledge and understanding:
• Students will learn about market failures, market efficiency, environmental protection, environmental valuation, pollution control, benefit-costs analysis, and climate mitigation policies.
Ability to apply knowledge.
• Ability to apply economic thinking to environmental and climate issues.
Making judgments
• Ability to critically evaluate and compare different climate policies.

Students joining this course are expected to be familiar with basic microeconomics.
March 29-31. Introduction and overview. Markets, market failures, and externalities. Pollution control.
April 5-7. Public goods and common property resources. Valuing the environment. Cost-benefit analysis.
April 12. Medium-term exam.
April 13-14. Climate mitigation policies. Adaptation policies and climate finance.
April 19-21. The role of forests in climate mitigation. Low-carbon innovation and technology transfer. International climate policy.
April 26-28. Behavioral Economics of Climate Change. Making Climate Policy work. Revision class to prepare for the exam.
There is no prescribed textbook. Chapters from books and journal articles can be accessed by following the hyperlinks provided in the syllabus that will be circulated at the beginning of the course. Lecture slides will be posted after the respective lecture is delivered.
Learning is assessed through two one-hour-long written tests. The one-hour mid-term test is worth 50% of the final grade and will take place after the completion of the first 6 classes. It will include multiple-choice questions, a graphical analysis of concepts, and a few short questions to test the command of ideas and tools learned during the first two weeks. The second one-hour test is worth 50% of the final grade. The student must answer 6 questions based on the content of the second part of the course. The final grade is calculated as the weighted average of the marks obtained in the two tests.

Students unable to attend the course will need to carry out a single two-hours written test covering the content of the entire course.
L'insegnamento prevede attività didattiche frontali in aula, studio individuale e di gruppo.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/04/2023