Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0426 (AF:411077 AR:206456)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The teaching of German Language 1, consisting of the lecturer’s module (30 hours, 2nd semester) and the year-long language exercises (approx. 150 hours) held by the language instructors (CELs), constitutes the first stage of a three-year course that aims to lead students to acquire notions and key skills in phonology, morphology syntax, vocabulary, sociolinguistics, text linguistics and translation to enable them to move confidently in the different text types and registers of the German language, while the exercises (Deutsch als Fremdsprache, DaF) aim to lead the students to reach level C1 of the Common European Framework in the four skills over a three-year period
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of fundamental phonological, phonetic, morphological and syntactic structures of the German language; knowledge of some features of a narrative text; knowledge of morpho-syntactic, lexical and textual devices necessary for communication in German at level B1+/B2.

Knowledge and understanding applied: ability of meta-linguistic reflection, also in contrast with Italian, about fundamental phonological, phonetic, morphological and syntactic structures of German. Ability to use the appropriate terminology. Ability to understand an academic lecture in German. Ability to understand and write short narrative texts. In general, the ability to produce (level B1+) and understand (level B2) written and oral texts in German.

Making judgements: Ability to independently resolve comprehension problems with German texts. Ability to judge the phonetic correctness of oral productions. Ability to judge the correctness of morphosyntactic productions written in German L2.

Communication skills: receptive skills at level B2, e.g. ability to follow a lecture on a linguistic argument if the exposure is clear and enriched with examples. Ability to understand simple topical articles and short narrative texts. Productive abilities at level B1+, e.g. ability to write simple texts on familiar topics and to narrate a story or the plot of a book or movie. Interactive skills at level B1+, e.g. being able to participate in conversations about familiar topics of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life. Ability to take actively part in the interaction in the classroom, in the virtual classroom and in the language classes.

Learning skills: Ability to take notes during a university lecture. Ability to properly use the bilingual and monolingual dictionary. Ability to use language resources on the Internet. Ability to use the tools of the virtual classroom (Moodle).
Language skills at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference B1 comparable to those acquired in the pre-university schooling in Italy.
Lecturer’s module offered by Prof. Paschke (second semester): the module will concentrate on basic notions of the German language belonging to phonetics/phonology (lexical accent, vowels and consonants, IPA transcription), to morphology (concepts of inflectional and lexical morphology, rules for determining the gender and plural of nouns) and syntax (verb valency, topological structure of the German sentence). Furthermore some linguistic properties of narrative texts will be discussed.
Language exercises of the linguistic experts (CEL), (parallel groups E1A, E1B, E1C, first and second semester): they are directed at the receptive, productive and interactive written and oral skills proposing texts about current topics as the starting point of the activities in the classroom (reading / listening, discussion, productions written), also aiming at the acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and grammatical structures of level B1+/B2.
Tutoring (offered by advanced or doctoral students): any activation will be notified with an online announcement of the teacher.
Self-study: reading short narrative texts made available in the virtual classroom.
*** Mandatory texts for the language exercises:
ASPEKTE NEU. MITTELSTUFE DEUTSCH. LEHRBUCH B1 PLUS. Di Ute Koithan, Helen Schmitz et. al. Berlin: Langenscheidt 2014, 191 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-12-605016-6).
ASPEKTE NEU. MITTELSTUFE DEUTSCH. ARBEITSBUCH B1 PLUS MIT AUDIO-CD. Di Ute Koithan, Helen Schmitz et. al. Berlin: Langenscheidt 2014, 184 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-12-605017-3).

*** Mandatory texts for the teacher’s module:
Peter Paschke: Deutsche Sprache 1 (this Reader will be available online in the virtual moodle class at the beginning of the second semestre), includes further references.
Kehlmann, Daniel: Ruhm. Ein Roman in neun Geschichten, Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 2010. Capitolo 1, pp. 7-23. [Biblioteca Palazzo Cosulich: TEDESCO T 7 KEH 4]
Schirach, Ferdinand v.: Schuld. Stories, München: Piper 2010. Capitolo „Kinder“, pp. 53-63 [Biblioteca Palazzo Cosulich: TEDESCO T 7 SCHI 2]

*** Suggested reference grammars (with exercises):
Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, LEHR- UND ÜBUNGSBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN GRAMMATIK – AKTUELL NEUBEARBEITUNG, Ismaning: Hueber 2012, 392 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-307255-9 ) or the Italian edition: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, GRAMMATICA TEDESCA CON ESERCIZI – NUOVA EDIZIONE, Ismaning: Hueber 2013, 360 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-047255-0).

*** Suggested German-German dictionaries:
WAHRIG DEUTSCHES WÖRTERBUCH, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 2011, 1728 pagg. (ISBN 978-3577075954) [anche: ed. Zanichelli 2007, ISBN 9788808166760] or another edition (also available on CD-ROM), or:
DUDEN UNIVERSALWÖRTERBUCH, Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut 2011 (7a ed.), 2112 pagg., (ISBN 978-3411055074) or with CD-ROM (ISBN 978-3411714247) or another edition (also available on CD-ROM).
It might be useful to use a specific dictionary for German as a foreign language:
PONS Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache (von W. Wolski, Stuttgart: Klett 2011, mit CD-ROM, 978-3125170476), also online , or the similar dictionarys of LANGENSCHEIDT or WAHRIG.

*** Suggested German-Italian dictionaries:
IL NUOVO DIZIONARIO DI TEDESCO. DIZIONARIO TEDESCO-ITALIANO, ITALIANO-TEDESCO, di L. Giacoma e S. Kolb, Bologna: Zanichelli 2009, 2672 pagg., (ISBN 978-8808177681) or another edition (also available on CD-ROM).
The exam consists of 5 tests:

Test 1: test relating to the lecturer’s module (questions about concepts and terminology of phonology, morphology and syntax; questions on the application of knowledge: phonetic transcription, gender and plural forms of nouns, verb valency), 60 min.

Test 2: grammar test (gap filling and transforming exercises), 45 min.
Test 3: Reading comprehension (Leseverstehen) of a journalistic (or similar) text with open questions, 30 min., with monolingual dictionary.
Test 4: Written expression (short story based on a picture and some pre-established words) of at least 150 words, 90 min., with monolingual dictionary.
Test 5: oral expression (the student speaks on a topic of his or her choice and answers 1-2 questions), approx. 5 min.; pass/fail mark.
Test 1 is specific to class 1 (Prof. Paschke), while tests 2-5 are common to both classes.

Attending students will be offered the opportunity to take the B1+ level (written and oral production) and grammar tests in itinere, during exercises.
Test 2: during semester II; to access it, the student must have participated at the end of semester I in a simulation (with correction, without grade).
Test 4: at the end of semester II: to take it, the student must have taken part in two simulations (with correction, without grade).
Test 5: during semester II, at dates and times to be agreed with the CELs.
Test 1 and 3 are offered ONLY during the regular calls.

The results of the single test (in-progress or during the calls) remain valid for the other calls of the same academic year. As long as all parts are not passed, the student must re-enroll for the examination in order to take the missing part. If the student does not pass all parts of the examination by the January call, the results achieved up to that point will be cancelled. In the calculation of the overall grade for German Language 1, the individual tests enter with the following weights: test 1 = 40%, test 2 = 20%, test 3 = 15%, test 4 = 25%, test 5 = 0% (pass mark).
Lectures, discussions, group activities, student presentations, virtual classroom (Moodle).
Language of instruction: German (both in teacher’s module and language exercises).
The language exercises start from the first semester. The division into groups will be visible in the timetable published online.
The teacher’s module will start in the second semester of the year and will be divided into two classes (class 1: prof. Paschke, class 2: prof.ssa Cognola). Students are assigned to the two classes according to their degree program and curriculum:
German language 1, class 1 (Paschke):
Students studying GERMAN LANGUAGE 1 with free credits or with surplus credits.
German language 1, class 2 (Cognola):
[LT10] Curriculum POLITICO INTERNAZIONALE (majoring in German)
The teaching and exam preparation materials will be published in the virtual classroom (Moodle).
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 16/09/2022