Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM7415 (AF:440566 AR:249815)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of "Specialized Translation of Spanish political-economic discourse" is held in the first year of a master's degree with a vocation for practical training in specialised translation. Therefore, the course will deal with concrete aspects of this professional field, always based on modern contemporary translatological theories. In line with the course of study, the meta-linguistic reflection and the inter-linguistic comparison will be two central aspects in carrying out the course also considering the linguistic affinity between Spanish and Italian. The course is made up of 30 lecturing hours.
The Spanish Language and Translation course aims to progressively introduce students to the theory, methodology and practice of specialized translation between Spanish and Italian, with particular emphasis on linguistic aspects in a translatological key. The concept of translation will be presented as an act of interlinguistic and intercultural mediation. In this regard, the basic notions of the theory of modern translation will be provided and subsequently all the strategies that the translator has at his disposal to conduct the process of interlingual transposition will be illustrated. The expected learning outcomes are as follows:

- To Know the problems related to the linguistic affinity between Spanish and Italian
- To Know the main aspects of the theory and practice of translation
- To Know the main aspects of Spanish political and economic phraseology from a translation perspective
- To Know the basic aspects of the practice and professional ethics of a translator's work (for institutions or freelancers).
- To understand texts of high complexity content
- To understand specialized texts

- To recognize the linguistic difficulties in the translation act
- To assimilate the strategies and methodological principles on which the translation process is based
- To identify and resolve translation problems through an analysis process related to the various text types, more or less specialized
- To know how to translate the phraseology effectively

- To know how to reflect on the role of linguistic contrast between Spanish and Italian in a translatological key
- To know how to comment critically on your translation choices

- To know how to deal with a a translation project

- To be able to critically consult the reference bibliography as well as the bilingual lexicographical repertoires
Students must possess a C1 linguistic-communicative competence in Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages.
Translation and Terminology (creation of glossaries).
Phraseology and translation
Textual analysis (style, function, register, etc.)
Translation techniques and strategies. The translation process as an act of interlinguistic and intercultural mediation.
Analysis of translation errors. Type of errors (linguistic interferences).
Documentation phase (reference material, use of dictionaries and other sources).
Professional and deontological aspects of the translator work.
Writing a linguistic and translatological comment

The course will be divided into 3 modules:

MODULE 1 - Theory and methodology of Spanish-Italian Translation
MODULE 2 - Introduction to the Spanish-Italian translation of the political discourse
MODULE 3 - Introduction to the Spanish-Italian translation of the economic discourse


BAZZOCCHI, G. y SAN VICENTE, F. (eds. y coords) (2021). LETI. Lengua española para traducir e interpretar. Bologna, Clueb.

TROVATO, G. (2022). El comentario lingüístico-traductológico entre lenguas tipológicamente afines (español-italiano). Granada, Editorial Comares.

TROVATO, G. (2019). Mediación lingüística y enseñanza de español/LE. Madrid, ArcoLibros.


BERTAZZOLI, R. (2006). La traduzione: teorie e metodi, Roma, Carocci.

CALVI, M. V., BORDONABA ZABALZA, C., MAPELLI, G., SANTOS LÓPEZ, J. (2009), Las lenguas de especialidad en español. Roma, Carocci.

DIADORI, Pierangela (2012). Teoria e Tecnica della traduzione. Milano, Mondadori Education

HURTADO ALBIR, A. (2011, quinta edición revisada), Traducción y traductología. Madrid, Cátedra.

LEFEVRE, M. (2015). La traduzione dallo spagnolo. Teoria e pratica. Roma, Carocci.

LEFEVRE, M., TESTAVERDE, T. (2011). Tradurre lo spagnolo. Roma, Carocci.

NEWMARK, P. (1995). Manual de traducción. Madrid, Cátedra.

SCARPA, F. (2008), La traduzione specializzata. Un approccio didattico professionale. Milano, Hoepli.

SUAU JIMÉNEZ, F. (2010). La traducción especializada (en inglés y español en géneros de economía y empresa). Madrid, ArcoLibros.


Manuel SECO, Olimpia ANDRÉS y Gabino RAMOS, Diccionario del español actual, Madrid, Aguilar, 1999.

María MOLINER, Diccionario de uso del español, Madrid, Gredos

AA.VV., CLAVE, Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid, SM, ultima ed.

Diccionario de la lengua española, REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1992.

Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos del español actual, Madrid, SM, 2002.

N. ZINGARELLI, Il nuovo Zingarelli, dizionario della lingua italiana, Bologna, Zanichelli, ultima edizione (con CD-ROM)

Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari, Divisione UTET, Garzanti Linguistica, 2001


Arqués, R., Padoan A. (2012). Dizionario spagnolo-italiano, italiano-español. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Sañé, S., Schepisi G. (2005). VOX - Il dizionario di Spagnolo. Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano Italiano-Spagnolo. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Sañé, S., Schepisi G. (2014). Dizionario spagnolo-italiano di frasi idiomatiche, colloquiali e gergali. Bologna: Zanichelli.

Seco, M., Andrés, O., Ramos, G. (2004). Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual. Madrid: Aguilar.

Tam, L. (2009). Grande dizionario di Spagnolo. Gran diccionario italiano-español. Milano: Hoepli.

VV.AA (2009). Grande dizionario di spagnolo. Spagnolo-Italiano Italiano-Spagnolo. Levis (TN): Garzanti Linguistica.
The exam consists of a written test and consists of 2 parts:

The first part will consist of the translation from and / or to Spanish of some of the text typologies dealt with during the module, with a comment to the translation for a total of 20 points.
The second part is related to Spanish-Italian translation theory and methodology: students will have to answer written questions, for a total of 10 points.
The exam is passed if the student has achieved the minimum score of 18/30.
The exam will last 3 hours.
Lectures will be held entirely in Spanish language and will have the form of seminars, with the help of a power point in order to deal with the theory and methodology of specialized translation. Participation and involvement of students will be encouraged through practical tests and translation projects aimed at simulating the professional practice of specialized translation.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 23/02/2023