Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM1202 (AF:449494 AR:256197)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course focuses on legal rules governing transnational contracts, also taking into consideration new cultural and ethical issues emerging in global business.
Students will be particularly faced with legal issues concerning market-entry strategies.
1) Learn to critically analyze the legal risk and opportunities of doing business in the global market;
2) Develop strategic skills for negotiating and drafting transnational business contracts;
3) Learn to handle transnational business disputes;
3) Develop interpersonal communication skills, which are essential for the purposes set forth sub 1), 2) and 3) above.
Basic knowledge of Private Law and International Law.
1) Introduction
1.1) subjects of International Business Law
1.2) sources of International Business Law
1.3) International business transactions and the WTO
1.4) Transnational commercial contracts, private international law and lex mercatoria
2) Transnational commercial contracts
2.1) Applicable law
2.1) Litigation: jurisdiction and arbitration
3) Focus on specific contracts
3.1) International Sale of Good Contracts
3.2) Distribution Contracts
3.3) Agency contracts
4) Discussions on emerging global challenges
1) R. Cavalieri, V. Salvatore, An introduction to International Contract Law, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019.
2) additional materials available in moodle.

For additional information on international law: J. Klabbers, International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2020.

For additional information on international business law: H. Wevers, A Basic Guide to International Business Law, Routledge, 2021.
One essay question and a practical case.
Students may consult, during the exam, the official legal texts (i.e. the text of international conventions, EU regulations, Incoterms, domestic legal provisions) only in paper/print out format and only if such texts are free of comments or notes. Textbook and individual notes are not allowed.
Lectures and class discussion of cases.
Some videos may be used to enhance understanding and raise discussions.
Students can contact the teacher via e-mail (

E-mail shall be written in a formal style. Emails shall not concern information already provided by the university websites; indeed, this kind of questions do not deserve any reply.

Office hours take place via Zoom on Monday from 3 pm to 4 pm. Students are kindly required to send an email in order to schedule an appointment.

Thesis supervision shall be asked in person during office hours. Only to students who have passed the exam with a grade equal to or greater than 26/30 will be supervised. The first draft of the thesis must be delivered to the teacher at least one month before the deadline for uploading the thesis.

Students with disabilities may contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices ( to benefit from specific services (i.e., alternate testing, readers, etc).

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/10/2023