Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT1240 (AF:460134 AR:253542)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames A-C
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the LCSL degree course. Aim of the course is to
provide fundamental critical tools for a comparative analysis of literary
texts; to familiarise the students with the theoretical debate on different
possible ways of comparing literary texts, namely: thematic comparative analysis; comparative study of the models of thinking and knowledge
whereby the literary expression is informed; comparative analysis of the
modes of literary representation: styles, genres, poetic diction etc.; to
provide pertinent tools for an interdisciplinary and intercultural reading
of the literary texts.
Knowledge and Understanding.
Knowledge of the fundamental theoretical tools for the comparative
analysis of literary texts. Knowledge of the literary traditions of the
countries in which the studied languages are spoken.
Appropriate application of the acquired theoretical knowledge described
above; to methodically develop an interdisciplinary approach to the
subjects of study; to develop theoretical attention to the problem of the
linguistic and cultural transfert of literay texts; to formulate, organise
and develop autonomous research activities connected to the subject of
study; to organise a scientific bibliography pertinently connected to a
specific topic of study.
To develop a personal critical perspective on a specif subject of study and
to debate it publicly.
To improve one’s abilities in scholarly oral and written expression.
The course has no specific requirements.
Title of the course: THE WAR OF THE SEXES
Aristophanes' women in revolt, The Lover and his Rose, Antony and Cleopatra, Catherine and Petruccio, Othello and Desdemona, Phaedra and Hippolytus, Penthesilea and Achilles, Marcel and Albertine, Leopold and Molly Bloom: these are some of the protagonists of the immemorial conflict which informs the relationship between the sexes and will result in the 20th century sexual revolution and, in very recent times, in gender fluidity. From Antiquity to Modernism, from Aristophanes to the Roman de la rose, Shakespeare, Racine and Von Kleist, from Proust to Joyce, we will explore the scenario that preludes and leads to contemporary experience... and as for our time today: are we free from that conflict?
- ARISTOFANE, Le donne all’assemblea, trad. it. di Guido Paduano, Milano, BUR, 2012
- ARISTOFANE, Lisistrata, trad. it., di Guido Paduano, Milano, BUR, 2012
- GUILLAME DE LORRIS-JEAN DE MEUN, Il romanzo della rosa, a cura di Silvia De Laude e Mariantonia Liborio, traduzione di Mariantonia Liborio, Torino, Einaudi, 2014
- W. SHAKESPEARE, Antony and Cleopatra, edited by John Wilders, The Arden Shakespeare, 1995
(per la traduzione italiana: Antonio e Cleopatra, trad. it. Agostino Lombardo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1995).
- W. SHAKESPEARE, The Taming of the Shrew, edited by Barbara Hodgdon, The Arden Shakespeare, 2010
(per la traduzione italiana: La bisbetica domata, trad. it. di Iolanda Plescia, introduzione di Nadia Fusini, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2019
- W. SHAKESPEARE, Othello, edited by M. Neil, The Oxford Shakespeare, Oxford 2006
(per la traduzione italiana: Otello, tr. it. di Agostino Lombardo, Milano, 1996, oppure Otello, trad. it. di Alessandro Serpieri, a cura di Shaul Bassi, Venezia, 2009)
- J. RACINE, Phèdre, editée par Christian Delmas et Georges Forestier, Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1995
(per la traduzione italiana : Fedra e Ippolito, trad. it. di Daniela Della Valle, Venezia, Marsilio, 2001)
- H. VON KLEIST, Pentesilea, edizione italiana con testo tedesco a fronte, tr. it. di Paola Capriolo, intr. di Rossana Rossanda, comm. di Claudia Vitale, Venezia, Marsilio 2008.
- M. PROUST, Sodome et Gomorrhe, édition présentée, établie et annotée par A. Compagnon, Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1989
(trad. it. M. Proust, Alla ricerca del tempo perduto IV. Sodoma e Gomorra, trad. it. di Giovanni Raboni, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 1995)
- M. PROUST, La prisonnière, édition présentée établie et annotée par P.-E. Robert, Paris 1989
(trad. it. M. Proust, Alla ricerca del tempo perduto V. La prigioniera, trad. it. di Giovanni Raboni, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 1996)
- M. PROUST, Albertine disparue, édition présentée, établie et annotée par A. Chevalier, Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1992
(trad. it. M. Proust, Alla ricerca del tempo perduto VI. Albertine scomparsa, trad. it. di Giovanni Raboni, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 1997)
- J. JOYCE, Ulysses, Penguin Books, 1992 (eventuale traduzione a libera scelta della/dello studente)

The learning will be verified by means of an oral examination, which will focus on the themes, the problems and the texts explored and read in class.
Front lectures. Programmed students’ presentations.
For students who are unable to complete their classroom preparation by attending lectures, some supplementary texts and materials will be agreed with the professor.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/03/2023