Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)

Cinzia Bettineschi (PhD) is currently Lecturer and Associate Researcher at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Augsburg (Germany), as well as an Adjunct Professor at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. She received her post-MA Specialization (2013) and PhD (2018) from the University of Padua, with research on the archaeology and archaeometry of Egyptian vitreous materials. Her main interests include the archaeology of craft productions, pre-Roman vitreous materials, the protohistory of northern Italy, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and public archaeology.

She has participated to archaeological missions in Italy, Israel, and Pakistan. Since 2014, she collaborates in organizing the annual excavation campaigns at the protohistoric village of Bostel in Rotzo (Vicenza, Italy) and since 2022 she co-directs the excavations together with Luigi Magnini and Armando De Guio.

She serves as reviewer for several international journals and collaborates with the European Commission in the evaluation of Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Personal Fellowships as Expert Evaluator and Rapporteur. In addition, she is a directive board member of the "Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP)" Research Center and of the Archaeological Society of Veneto.

She is the author or co-author of approximately 50 scientific publications, including 2 edited volumes and 14 indexed papers; in 2022 she won the Rakow Grant for Glass Research from the Corning Museum of Glass (USA) and the Wilkinson-McKenzie International Research Grant for Ancient History and Archaeology (UK).