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Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

Filippo Batisti

Academic CV – Updated  July 21st, 2022


1.                 Positions & Research Groups

1.1                 Jun 2021 – Jan 2023 : Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy of Language at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage.

1.2                 2020 – 2023 : non-stipendiary member of “Relatividad Lingüística y Filosofia Experimental” (RELFE)

Research Group at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (grant n. PID2019-105746GB-I00). PIs: Luis Fernández Moreno and Antonio Blanco Salgueiro.

1.3                 2020 – 2023 : non-stipendiary Subject Expert [Cultore della materia]

in Philosophy and Theories of Language (SSD: M-FIL/05), at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage.


2.                 Education

2.1                 2020 : Ph.D., cum laude

in Philosophy, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Research Thesis: Per una revisione del problema della relatività linguistica [Revising the Problem of Linguistic Relativity] Supervisor: Luigi Perissinotto.

Final committe: Savina Raynaud (Università Cattolica of Milan, chair), Paolo Tripodi (University of Turin), Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero (internal).


2.2                 2016: MA, cum laude

in Philosophy of Society, Art and Communication, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Thesis: Mente, linguaggio, cultura, azione: come ampliare il problema della relatività linguistica [Mind, Language, Culture, Action: How to Broaden the Problem of Linguistic Relativity]. Supervisor: Luigi Perissinotto.  Co-supervisor: Cecilia Rofena.

2.3                 2013: 18 ETCS in General Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

2.4                 2012: BA, cum laude

in Philosophy, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Thesis: Differenti approcci al relativismo linguistico [Different Approaches to Linguistic Relativism]. Supervisor: Niccoletta Caramelli†.


3.                 Grants and Scholarships

3.1                 One-year postdoc research grant [Assegno di ricerca] of €19.367,00 on Luigi Perissinotto's project "On Representation (Between Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind)" (2021/2022).

3.1.1.                 7-months renewal of the aforementioned position (11.297,42€).

3.2                 Sept. - Dec. 2020: Training grant [Borsa di formazione] of € 1.375,00 from Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici (Naples, Italy) for the Anthropology seminar sessions.

3.3                 May – Nov. 2021: Training grant [Borsa di formazione] of € 1.100,00 from Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici (Naples, Italy) for the "Tra polis e mondo" seminar sessions (2021).

3.4                 2016 – 2019: Three-year scholarship [Borsa di studio] of € 43.756,76 as PhD funding, received from Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). In accordance with the Italian law, I have received approx. € 3.000 in travel grants for conferences during my PhD.


4.                 Publications

4.1                 Batisti, F., Montesi, F. (in preparation). “If fish didn’t exist, would be able to imagine them?. Thought experiments and extraterrestrial worlds”.

4.2                 Batisti, F., Coppola, R., Occhini, B. (in press). “Introduzione”. In Iid. (Eds.) Infine. Ritualità e corporeità al tempo delle catastrofi. [At last. Rituals and embodiment in the time of catastrophe], IISF Press.

4.3                 Batisti, F. (in press). “Menti altre: diversità e consulenza. Decolonizzazione tra psicologia e filosofia”. [Other minds: diversity and counselling. Decolonization between psychology and philosophy]. In Batisti, F., Morelli, A., Rossi, A. (Eds.), La consulenza filosofica oggi tra formazione e ricerca, Mimesis.

4.4                 Batisti, F. (in press). “Book review of ‘Linguistic Relativity Today’ by Marcel Danesi (2021)”, Journal of Culture and Cognition.

4.5                 Batisti, F. (2022). "Language, Languages, and Reality. A brief overview on linguistic ontology". In P. Stalmaszczyk, M. Hinton (Eds.), Philosophical Approaches to Language and Communication (Vol. 1), "Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics", Peter Lang.

4.6                 Batisti, F. (2021). “An Argument for Languages in Languaging”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio vol. 15, pp. 159-175.

4.7                 Batisti, F., Valeri, E. (2020). “Embodiment and Aesthestics: Cognition Going Wider”, The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind, and the Arts, vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 151-165.

4.8                 Batisti, F. (2019). “Is Linguistic Relativity A Kind of Relativism?”, Paradigmi, n.3/2019, pp. 415-428. Doi: 10.30460/95136.

4.9                 Batisti, F., Perissinotto, L. (2019), “Introduction”, Paradigmi, n.3/2019, pp. 369-372. Doi: 10.30460/95133.

4.10              Batisti, F. (2019). Il linguaggio come collante tra menti individuali e socialità umana, in Le varietà del naturalismo. In Bagnati, G., Cassan, M., Morelli, A. (Eds.), pp. 171-179. Doi: 10.30687/978-88-6969-325-0 .

4.11              Batisti, F. (2018). Linguistic Relativity and Philosophy: From the Beginning to the Analytical Approach. Študentski Filozofski Zbornik, Maribor, Oddelek za filozofijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru in Društvo za analitično filozofijo in filozofijo znanosti, pp. 35-43.

4.12              Batisti, F. (2017). “Linguistic Relativity and Its Relation to Analytic Philosophy”. Studia Semiotyczne, vol. XXXI, n. 2, pp. 201-226. Doi: 10.26333/sts.xxxi2.10.


5.                 Edited Publications

5.1                 Batisti, F., Valeri, E. (in preparation). (Special Issue) The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts, vol. 3, n. 2.

5.2                 Batisti, F., Coppola, R., Occhini, B. (Eds.) (2021). Infine. Ritualità e corporeità al tempo delle catastrofi. IISF Press.

5.3                 Batisti, F., Valeri, E. (Eds.) (2020). “4E Cognition: Aesthetics, Ecology and Beyond” (Special Issue). The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts, vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 151-254.

5.4                 Batisti, F., Perissinotto, L. (Eds.) (2019), “Trends in Linguistic Relativity: The Broader Picture”. Paradigmi, n. 3/2019.


6.                 Refereed Talks

6.1                 CILC – 5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition - Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Cognitive and Language Sciences, 15th-19th September 2021. Poster title: Towards a Non-Cognitivist, Cognitive Paradigm in Linguistic Relativity.

6.2                 Speaking Bodies Embodied Cognition at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 14th May 2021.  Talk title: Linguistic Diversity and Post-Cognitivism: What Now?

6.3                 7th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang), University of Łódź (Poland), 15-17th May 2021. Talk title: Ontology and Naturalism in Linguistic Theory.

6.4                 CLARC – Language and Culture in Rijeka (Croatia), 24-26th June 2021. Talk title: Linguistic relativity and post-cognitivism: Solution or dissolution?

6.5                 Workshop “États imaginaires, entités fictives, expériences de pensée en philosophie”. University of Paris I Sorbonne (France), 27th-28th May 2019. Talk title: Se non esistessero i pesci, riusciresti a immaginarli? Esperimenti mentali e mondi extra-terrestri. [If fish did not exist, could you imagine them? Thought experiments and extra-terrestrial worlds]

6.6                 4th Doctoral Conference “Il meglio è passato - Riflessioni su nostalgie, retrotopie e anacronismi”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) 16th-17th May 2019. Talk title: Non c’è alternativa al passato: sulla hauntology di Mark Fisher. [There is no alternative to the past: on Mark Fisher’s hauntology]

6.7                 6th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang), University of Łódź (Poland), 10th-12th May 2019. Talk title: Linguistic Relativity and Non-Standard Accounts of Cognition.

6.8                 Workshop "Different ways of operating with Heidegger”, University of Milan (Italy), 25-26th October 2018. Talk title: Putting the ‘s’ in languages: Heidegger, linguistic relativity and philosophy.

6.9                 5th Regional Symposium of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split (Croatia), 12th October 2018 (teleconference). Talk title: Between Universalism and Perspectivism Lies Relativity: The Whorfian Middle Ground.

6.10              ENFA - 7th National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, University of Lisbon (Portugal), 13th-15th September 2018. Talk title: Is Interactional Linguistic Relativity A Case in Favour of Enactivism?

6.11              26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of Rijeka, (Croatia), 10th-13th September 2018. Talk title: Escaping The Isolation: from Linguistic Relativity to Distributed Cognition.

6.12              27th Convegno Nazionale dei Dottorati in Filosofia [National Philosophy Doctorates Congress], Collegio Fondazione San Carlo di Modena (Italy), 5th-6th September 2018. Talk title: Relatività linguistica e rappresentazioni [Linguistic relativity and representations]

6.13              8th International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind, Denison University at Granville, OH (USA), 17th-19th July 2018. Talk title: From Worldviews to Non-Representationalism: Is Interactional Linguistic Relativity Compatible with Enactivism?

6.14              55th Congreso de Filosofía Joven, University of Murcia (Spain), 16th-18th May 2018. Talk title: From Worldviews to Interaction: Categories and Non-Representationalism in Linguistic Relativity

6.15              3rd International Philosophy Students’ Symposium, University of Maribor (Slovenia), 10th-11th April 2018. Talk title: A Cross-Linguistic Ontology of Action

6.16              5th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang), University of Łódź (Poland), 12th-14th May 2017. Talk title: Linguistic Relativity: Why Do We Need Philosophy for a Better Discussion

6.17              2nd International Philosophy Students’ Symposium, University of Maribor (Slovenia), 11th-12th April 2017. Talk title: Why (Analytic) Philosophy is Important for Linguistic Relativity


7.              Invited Lectures

7.1                 Master in Philosophical Counselling class, Ca’ Foscari University, 16th July 2022. Talk title: Menti altre: diversità e consulenza. Decolonizzazione tra psicologia e filosofia.

7.2                 LLPC Conference at Ca’ Foscari, 15th July 2022 (see below). Talk title: Mental representations and language. A reading through linguistic diversity.

7.3                 Colloquium of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück (Germany), 24th Nov 2021. Talk title: Post-cognitivism and linguistic diversity: Problems to solve.

7.4                 PRIN International Conference “Embodied creativity: the role of performativity“. University of Bologna; International Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities “Umberto Eco”, Bologna (Italy), 24th-26th June 2019. Talk title: Linguistic relativity in the age of embodiment(s): a third foundation? (with M. De Luca).

7.5                 Ateneo Veneto (Venice, Italy), La rappresentazione tra arti visive, letteratura e musica [Representation in the visual arts, literature and music], Meetings on Music and Language, 13th November 2018.

7.6                 Università di Roma Sapienza (Rome, Italy), Sull’uso scorretto di “post-verità” [On the incorrect use of “Post-Truth”], 4th May 2017.


8.              Discussantships

8.1                 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy), discussant for Roberta Dreon’s Il naturalismo culturale di Dewey: il caso della mente [Dewey’s Cultural Naturalism: The Case of The Mind] lecture, within the international workshop Le VariEtà del Naturalismo [The Varieties of Naturalism], organised in collaboration with Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, 14th March 2018.


9.              Teaching

9.1                 7.5 hours seminar Introduction to Philosophy of language for non-philosophy students enrolled in the MA Philosophy of Language class in the 2021/22 term.

9.2                 Assistance to prof. M. Favaretti Camposampiero in grading student papers for the BA History of the Philosophy of Language class in the 2020/21 term.

9.3                 40 hours of Teaching Assistance, (seminars, tutoring, paper supervision, additional supervision for final theses) for the Philosophy of Language (BA and MA) classes in the 2018-2019 term. I held seminars on pragmatics.

9.4                 I organized and held a voluntary, non-curricular CLAVeS (see below) reading group in Philosophy of Mind (on David Chalmers’ The Virtual and the Real) for BA and MA students (October-November 2019).

9.5                 I was part of the final examination committee for the Master in Philosophical Counselling offered by Ca’ Foscari (2017-2019 class, 1st June 2019).

9.6                 I was part of the admission committee for the Master in Philosophical Counselling offered by Ca’ Foscari (2019-2021 class, 21st October 2019).


10.         Student Supervision

10.1              I co-supervised the final theses of the following students.

2020. Giuseppe Ferrentino (MA, cum laude, in Philosophical Sciences) Title: Mind and Consciousness between Biology, Technology and Culture.

2021. Giovanni Maggi. (BA, cum laude, in Philosophy, International and Economics Studies). Title: The AI Control Problem. An unfolding approach to avert existential risk from artificial intelligence.

2021. Alberto Vittone (MA, cum laude, in Modern Philology at Sapienza University of Rome). Title:- La lingua influenza la visione del mondo? Prospettive neowhorfiane sulla percezione spaziale.

2022. Giorgia Francesca Zaccaro (BA, Philosophy)
-Il linguaggio oltre la voce. Il dibattito filosofico intorno all’ambiguo rapporto tra linguaggio, pensiero e lingue dei segni.


11.         Research Center

11.1              Founder and Executive Officer of CLAVeS (Cognition Language Action Affectivity Venetian Seminar), Departmental Research Center at Ca’ Foscari’s Dept. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage:;


12.         Academic Event Organisation

12.1              Scientific and Organizational Committee for the Language, Languages, and Post-Cognitivism (LLPC) international conference (20 invited or selected speakers from 10 countries), held at Ca’ Foscari University (14th-15thJuly 2022).

12.2              Organizing Secretary for CLAVeS Spring Seminars 2022 (March-June 2022).

12.3              Organizing Secretary for CLAVeS Spring virtual Seminars 2021 (March-May 2021), held online.

12.4              Organizing Secretary – 2nd PRIN 2015 [Research Project of National Interest] conference Il problema dell’indeterminatezza. Caso, futuro e contingenza [The problem of indeterminacy. Chance, future, contingency.], Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 16th-18th December 2019.

12.5              Organizational Committee for the CLAVeS symposium L’eredità di Kripkenstein. Significato, comprensione, normatività. Workshop with A. Morelli (Ca’ Foscari), A. Guardo (Milan), P. Tripodi (Turin).

12.6              Scientific and Organizational Committee for the second series of CLAVeS seminars on aesthetics and picture theory at Ca’ Foscari, titled Ritorno all’Estetico [Back to the Aesthetic]:

-        S. Velotti (Rome Sapienza), Il (non) senso di Danto per l’arte, 13th May 2019

-        A. Voltolini (Turin), Vedo non solo una Madonna, ma anche un buco, nell’immagine, 24th June 2019


12.7              Scientific and Organizational Committee for the first series of CLAVeS seminars on linguistic relativity at Ca’ Foscari, titled Lingue, cognizione e azione [Languages, cognition and action]:

-        F. Diodato (Rome Sapienza), Tipi di relativismo: dai neo-humbdoltiani alla semantica strutturale, 16th November 2018.

-        A.M. Borghi (Rome Sapienza/CNR), Concetti astratti e lingue, 23th November 2018.

-        M. De Luca (Rome Sapienza), F. Batisti, Nuove frontiere della relatività linguistica [New Frontiers in Linguistic Relativity], 1st March 2019.


12.8              Organising Secretary – 1st PRIN 2015 [Research Project of National Interest] conference Relativismo e indeterminatezza [Relativism and Indeterminacy], Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy), 12th-13th October 2017.


13.         Translations

13.1              I took part in the project supported by SIFA of translating a selection of entries from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy ( by translating into Italian the entry “Culture and Cognitive Science”, parts of “Action-based Theories of Perception”; translation supervision of “Certainty”.


14.         Editorial Jobs

14.1       Occasional peer reviewer for

      - The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language (volume)

      - Peter Lang Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (volume)

      - Language in Society

      - American Journal of Undergraduate Research

      - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio

      - Ermeneutica Letteraria

      - Lingua

14.2              Editorial Staff for Journal on Language, Mind and the Arts (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari), 2019-present.


15.         Academic Jobs


15.1              Mar 2021 – Sept 2021: TOL (Tutor On Line) for the “Psicologia cognitiva e dello sviluppo” with prof F. Coin at Ca’ Foscari Teacher Training Programme (24 CFU).

15.2              Mar 2021 – Sept 2021: TOL (Tutor On Line) for the “Psicologia cognitiva e dello sviluppo” with prof F. Coin at Ca’ Foscari Teacher Training Programme (24 CFU).

15.3              Dec. 2020 – Jun 2021: Senior Teaching Assistant during the Winter and Spring examination periods within Ca’ Foscari Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Department.

15.4              Nov. 2020 – Feb. 2021: Senior Teaching Assistant for the “Logic and Philosophy of Science 1” with prof. E. Montuschi at Ca’ Foscari.

15.5              Aug. – Sept. 2020: Senior Teaching Assistant during the Fall examination period within Ca’ Foscari Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Department.

15.6              July – Sept. 2020: Manual annotator within prof. F. Zollo’s project IMSyPP (Innovative Monitoring Systems and Prevention Policies of Online Hate Speech), EU Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020), grant agreement no. 875263.

15.7              Feb. – Nov 2019: Tutor for students enrolled in the BA and MA Philosophy programmes (paid job, obtained by winning a call)

15.7.1.             Extension of the aforementioned job by inclusion in the national PoT6 - LabOr project.


16.         Academic Posts (at Ca’ Foscari)

16.1              Elected Students’ Representative in the Philosophy and Educational Sciences Ph.D. programme, 2017-2019 term.

16.2              Member of the Ph.D. Students’ Council, 2017 – 2019 term.


17.         Fellowships

17.1              Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio (SFL), 2017 - present.

17.2              Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA), 2017 – present.

17.3              Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (AISC), 2017 – present.

17.4              European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP), 2018 – present.

17.5              Language Under Discussion Society, 2019 - present.


18.         Attendance to Events (selection)

18.1              Jan. 2017: Annual SFL meeting. University of Bologna (Italy)

18.2              Dec. 2017: Annual SIFA meeting. University of Genova (Italy)

18.3              Dec. 2017: Annual AISC meeting. University of Bologna (Italy)

18.4              Jan. 2019: Annual SFL meeting. University of Cagliari (Italy)

18.5              May 2019: Doctoral School on Embodied Cognition with Dan Hutto. University of Bologna (Italy)

18.6              Dec. 2019: Post-Truth: Philosophy, Sociology, and Media Studies. University of Bologna (Italy)

18.7              Sept. 2020: online Summer School on Philosophy of Cognitive Science: 4E Approaches (E. Myin, A. Noe, S. Gallagher, K. Friston, D. Zahavi). Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (Iran).

18.8              Feb 2021: online 3rd Middlesex Roundtable on Signs Language and Communication.

18.9              Apr 2021: chair for Narrating Othering panel at the online Conceptualizing Difference conference (University of Aberdeen).


19.         Languages

                  Italian:             Native speaker

                  English:           C1.2

                  French:            B1

                  Catalan:          A1

                  Portuguese:   A1

                  Castilian:        A1

Expertise in Latin and Ancient Greek (5 years in high school).


19.1              Spring 2022: Attendance to a 20-hrs Intercomprehension between Romance Languages (French, Catalan, Castilian, Portuguese, Italian) class at CLA (University of Venice Linguistic Centre).

19.2              July 2020: Cambridge Assessment “Certificate of Advanced English” C1 – Pass with grade B (199 points).

19.3              Fall 2019: Attendance to a 20-hour “Academic Lecturing” workshop for teaching staff at Ca’ Foscari.

19.4              Spring 2018: Attendance to a 60-hour English C1 class at CLA.

19.5              Fall 2017: Attendance to a 36-hour English “Academic Skills” class at CLA.

19.6              Nov 2016: “Pass”- B2 English computer-based and oral test at CLA.