Research Grant Holder
Website (personal record)
Department of Management

Linda Armano is a Marie-Sklodowska Global Fellow (2019-2022) at the Department of Management in Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Faculty of Management at the University of British Columbia. Her interdisciplinary project aims to retrace, through multi-sited ethnographic research in the Canadian diamond mine Diavik and in an Italian jewelry store, the cultural interpretations that various subjects (miners, indigenous, staff of the mining companies, consumers, and owners of jewelry) give to the concept of "ethical diamond" within a global interconnection and along the supply chain.  The Diavik mine, which joined a certification program signed by the Government of the Northwest Territories of Canada, produces ethical certified diamonds sold in Italy in the jewelry store analyzed in the research ( ( 

Between 2007 and 2011, Armano attended the doctorate program in joint supervision between the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Anthropologie-Sociology) and the Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia (European Social History from Medieval to Contemporary) presenting a thesis entitled “La Culture de la mine. Étude comparative d’autoreprésentation d’une catégorie professionnelle en perspective synchronique et diachronique”. She achieved also the title of "Doctor Europaeus".

Since 2013, she has also operated in an extra-academic context, specifically in marketing companies, through projects in anthropology applied to consumer-based cultural practices. Designing and implementing a project called "Anthropological Marketing", she cooperates in the creation of a start-up.