Maddalena BARENGHI
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 9537
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Storia dell'Asia orientale e sud-orientale [ASIA-01/H]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/maddalena.barenghi (personal record)
- Office
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin
Ongoing Projects
A book-length project Mercenaries, Military Patrons, and State Founders on the Fringes of the Empire: Becoming Shatuo in the 9th-10th Centuries, contracted for the series Chinese Global Histories, 250-1650 series, Amsterdam University Press.
An annotated translation of "Jianyuan yilai houzhe" 建元以來侯者年表 (Marquises since Jianyuan), translation of Chapter 20 of Shiji, The Grand Scribe's Records, v.3, Chronological Tables (Nanjing daxue chubanshe), with Clara Luhn.
An annotated translation of Qidan guanyi 契丹官儀 (Offices and rites of the Qidan) by Yu Jing 余靖, with Lance Pursey, Xin Wen, and Brian Vivier.
Academic Employment
Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Institute of Sinology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, 2018-2019
Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Department of History, University of Salzburg, 2016-2018
Postdoctoral Fellow (Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange), Institute of Sinology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, 2015-2016
Ph.D. in co-supervision, Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, 2010-2014
MA Sinology, SOAS, University of London, 2009-2010
Conferences and workshops
Workshop: "The Ordos Region: Climate, Environment, and History," May 20-25 2024, IAS Princeton.
Workshop: "The Mobility of Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples in the Margins of China: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives," October 12-13 2023 Sorbonne, Paris.
"A Roundtable Read of 'The Offices and Rites of the Kitan' (Qidan guanyi 契丹官儀) by Yu Jing 余靖, AAS Boston 2023.
"The 'army of adopted sons': patterns of military patronage at the margins of the Tang Empire", IX Mediaeval Nomads (MeN) "Nomads and their Archaeological Evidence", Napoli 24-27 November 2022.
AAS Annual Conference, Washington 21-26 March 2021. Panel: “After the Heavenly Qaghans: Multi-ethnic Approaches to the Tang-Song Transition.”
Early Medieval China Workshop, INALCO Paris 15-16 November 2019.
Workshop: Shiji translation project (six sessions), chapters 49, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60 (The Grand Scribe’s Records, vol. XII, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming). Institute of Sinology, LMU Munich,14-28 June 2019.
Workshop: Shiji translation project, chapters 48, 49, 50 and 52 (The Grand Scribe’s Records, vol. XII, forthcoming). Eiling Eide Library, Sarasota (Florida), 1-4 November 2019.
22nd Biannual Conference EACS, Glasgow 29 August- 1 September 2018. Panel: “Narrative of political legitimacy and illegitimacy in Medieval China (Traditional historiography).” Participants: Maria Kobzeva (Wisconsin-Madison), Shao-yun Yang (Denison Un.), Maddalena Barenghi. Discussant and chair: Alexis Lycas (Max-Planck, Berlin). Presentation: “Genealogical narratives, kinship and legitimacy in the late medieval period: Some remarks on the Turkic Shatuo dynastic clans.”
14th Biannual Conference of Asian Studies in Israel, Jerusalem 23-24 May 2018. Presentation: "“Some remarks on the “Shatuo liezhuan” 沙陀列傳 and the Shatuo early genealogical history.”
Workshop: Shiji translation project, chapter 122 (The Grand Scribe´s Records, vol. XI). 2nd Scientific Forum, LMU China Academic Network, Hangzhou 20-22 November 2016.
20th Biannual Conference EACS. Panel: “Annalistic historiography.” Presentation: “Li Keyong (856-908) and the Tang legacy in the Zizhi tongjian and its sources.” Braga 22-26 July.
Workshop: Chinese historiography. LMU Munich 13-17 November 2013. Presentation: "The Chinese annalistic tradition and the Zizhi tongjian"
Workshop on Hanshu. Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, November-December 2012.
19th Biannual Conference EACS, INALCO PARIS 3-5 September 2012. Presentation: “On the preservation of books: The Jiaochou lüe (Treatise on collation studies) of Zheng Qiao (1104-1162).”
22nd World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul 30 July-1 August 2008. Presentation: “The study of the annals in the Western Han period: an inquiry of the structure of discourse in the first five chapters of the Chunqiu fanlu.”
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