Francesco TORMEN

Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Where: Palazzo Vendramin

Francesco Tormen holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and serves as an adjunct professor of Tibetan language at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is the co-director of the Italian Buddhist Union’s Research Center and is a member of the organizing committee for the master’s program in "Contemplative Studies" at the University of Padova. Additionally, he lectures for the master's program in "Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Contemplative Practices" at the University of Pisa. Francesco is also a translator and interpreter from Tibetan and is a certified MBSR instructor, having trained at the Italian School of Mindfulness (affiliated with Brown University). Furthermore, he conducts seminars on lucid dreaming, integrating neuroscience and contemplative traditions.

Recent Publications:

  • “Buddhism Has Always Been Posthuman: Philosophical Contributions to the Transhumanist Project,” in Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 18, 2023 (forthcoming).
  • “Possibili contributi del buddhismo a un’etica del postumano” (Potential Contributions of Buddhism to a Post-human Ethics), in Floriana Ferro and Luca Taddio (eds.), La filosofia futura, Milano-Udine, no. 18, 2022.
  • Bhusuku Group (eds.), Lojong. L’addestramento mentale. Volume I. Opere di Atiśa, Dromtönpa, Geshe Chekawa Yeshe Dorje, Se Chilbu Chökyi Gyaltsen, Thogme Sangpo Lojong: Mental Training. (Volume I. Works by Atiśa, Dromtönpa, Geshe Chekawa Yeshe Dorje, Se Chilbu Chökyi Gyaltsen, Thogme Sangpo), Pomaia: Nalanda Edizioni, 2022 (preface and introduction).
  • “Mere apparenze. Che cos’è l’esistenza convenzionale secondo Tsongkhapa” (Mere Appearances: What is Conventional Existence According to Tsongkhapa?), in Andrea Drocco, Lucia Galli, Chiara Letizia, Giacomella Orofino, and Carmen Simioli (eds.), Wind Horses. Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian Studies. I cavalli del vento. Studi tibetani, himalayani e mongoli, Napoli: AION, Series Minor LXXXVIII, 2020.
  • “Scienza e pratica del sogno lucido tra Tibet e California” (Science and Practice of Lucid Dreaming Between Tibet and California), in Marcello Ghilardi and Arianna Palmieri (eds.), Pratiche contemplative, neuroscienze e benessere psicologico, Milano-Udine: Mimesis, 2020.