Alberto FABRIS
- Position
- Researcher
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Storia della filosofia [PHIL-05/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/alberto.fabris (personal record)
- Office
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
- 20.12.2022-current: Assistant Professor (RTDa) in Philosophy Università Venezia Ca’ Foscari - Department of Philosophy & Cultural Heritage
- 01.10.2022-30.06.2023: Adjunct Professor of Natural Law and Theories of Justice University of ULB-Mons (Belgium), School of Law
- 01.09.2021-30.05.2022: Adjunct Professor of History of Political Thought Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Department of Philosophy
- 15.01.2021-30.07.2021: Visiting Researcher and Lecturer in Political Sciences Université Libre de Bruxelles, Departments of Philosophy/ Political Studies
- 20.08.2018-30.08.2022: Researcher, Teaching Assistant and Research Events Coordinator Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA), Department of Modern Language & Literatures, Program of Italian Studies
- 30.08.2018-3.05.2019: Editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal MLN – Modern Language Notes, Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, USA)
- 01.09.2022-present: Psychoanalytic Training, Association des Psychanalystes Européens
- 1.11.2014-14.12.2018: PhD in Philosophy, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités (IHRIM). Dissertation : “Itinéraires du désir dans la philosophie de Giordano Bruno”
- 20.08.201714.05.2021: Master (MA) in Italian Studies, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore), Department of Modern Language and Literatures
- 09.2012-08.2014: Élève de la Sélection Internationale de l’École Normale de Paris, École Normale Supérieure de Paris, Department of Philosophy
- 09.2013-19.09.2014:Master (MA) in Political Studies, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS), Department of Political Studies
- 09.2012-06.2013: Maîtrise (MA) in Philosophy, Paris I ‘Sorbonne’, Department of Philosophy
- 25.08.2011-01.06.2012: Erasmus program, Université Montpellier 3 ‘Paul Valéry’, Department of Philosophy
- 09.2008-13.07.2012: Laurea triennale (BA) in Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Philosophy
- 2022: PNRR Young Researchers Founds: 3-year research funding for project awarded the ‘Seal of Excellence’ by the European Commission
- 2022: Seal of Excellence for the project proposal ‘Francesco Ingoli (1578-1649) as Political Thinker and Global Theorist’ submitted under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions call 2021
- 2021:Krieger School of Arts & Sciences Dean Fellowship to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria (postponed to 2022 because of the pandemic)
- 2020: Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation Summer Fellowship, Geneva University to participate to the workshop “La guerre à la Renaissance” and conduct bibliographic research at the Institute.
- 2015-2017: ENS-Lyon funding for the 2-years research project “Représentations et Exercice du Pouvoir: l’Héritage Antique à l’époque Moderne”
2020: Qualification, section 17 - Qualified for the position of Professor in Philosophy within the French University System
- Fall 2023: "Introduction to Philosophy", University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, Philosophy, International and Economic Studies (Teaching language: English)
- Spring 2022: “Natural Law ant Theories of Justice”, University of ULB-Mons (Belgium), School of Law. (Teaching language: French)
- Spring 2022: “The Skin I Live In: Desire, Metamorphoses and Bodily Hybridization in the Italian Renaissance”. Johns Hopkins University, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures. (Teaching language: English)
- Fall 2021: “Italian Contemporary Politics and Society through Cinema, Music and Literature: a Possible Journey”. Johns Hopkins University - Department of Modern Languages & Literatures. (Teaching language: English)
- Spring 2021: “Genèse de la conceptualité politique moderne”. ULB-Bruxelles - Department of philosophy/political science, MA class. (Teaching language: French)
- Summer 2019 (1-5 July): “Langue, magie et art de la mémoire dans le Cantus Circæus (1582) de Giordano Bruno”, NeolatinLyon 2019 Summer school, École thématique CNRS, Lyon, 1-5 July. (Teaching language: French)
- Spring 2019: “Franco Basaglia and the anti-psychiatric movement in Italy”, lectures in a seminar on 20th century Italian society, Johns Hopkins University - Department of Modern Languages & Literatures. (Teaching language: English)
- Fall 2017-Spring 2018: “Italian Elements”, Johns Hopkins University - Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, Fall and Spring semester 2017/2018. (Teaching language: English)
Conference convened
- 24-25.01.2023: “Histoire de Florence : une topographie des passions”, ‘Shaping the City. Passions as a Structuring Force in Machiavelli’s Works’, ULB
- 29.05-01.06 2022: “De-Europeanising Christianity. Francesco Ingoli’s Relazione delle Quattro Parti del Mondo” AAIS2022, Bologna conference.
- 30.03-02.04 2022: “Francesco Ingoli: a worldwide ‘cura’ for the new universal Church”, RSA2022, Dublin. Panel: “Terra Universalis: New Perspectives on Early Modern First Globalisation”
- 10-13.03.2022: "An Alterity withouth the Other. Girolamo Benzoni’s Historia del Mondo Nuovo”, NeMLA2022, Baltimore. Panel: “Italy’s Other: Alterity from the Middle Ages to Today”
- 4.03.2021: “Vertu intellective et puissance. Incarnation de l’intellect possible de Dante à Bruno”, Rencontres du PHI. Centre de recherche en philosophie, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- 15.02.2021: “Espace et politique dans l’Italie de la Contre-réforme”, Séminaire Polis. CTP – Centre de Théorie Politique, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- 03.03.2020: “Giordano Bruno: The Frankfurt Poems”, RSA2020, Philadelphia. Cancelled (Covid-19)
- 18.03.2019: “Circe’s Transformations: The Role of a female Figure in the Philosophy of Giordano Bruno”, RSA2019, Toronto. Panel: “Rewriting and Adapting Classical Women in the Italian Renaissance”
- 29.03.2017: “Imagination as self-fashioning in Giordano Bruno’s ars memoriæ”, L’imagination efficace. Xve-XVIe siècle. Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
- 25.11.2016: “Au-delà de la scène. Théâtre et littérature, spectateurs et lecteurs dans Il Candelaio de Bruno”, Le Pouvoir se met en scène. Le Pouvoir et ses publics à l’époque moderne (XVI-XVIII siècles). ENS-Lyon
- 25-26.05.2016: “Totalité et finitude dans la pensée de Giordano Bruno”, Institution et destitution de la Totalité. Paris I Sorbonne
- 19.03.2016: “Intellectus Juneex universi. Matter and Knowledge in Giordano Bruno’s De umbris idearum”, Making Knowledge in the Renaissance. Liverpool University
- 11.12.2014: “Philosopher dans la mort, Les Essais comme exercice de congé du soi” Montaigne & Bruno : nature, liens, métamorphoses. ENS-Lyon
Organisation of Scientific Meetings
- June 2022: ‘Shaping the City. Passions as a Structuring Force in Machiavelli’s Works’, International conference at the ULB co-organised with A. Panichi and V. Serio
- 30.03-02.04 2022: Terra Universalis: New Perspectives on Early Modern First Globalisation, Panel at the RSA2022 Annual Meeting, Dublin.
- 26.022021: Fascismo e sovranismi. Conversazione con Antonio Scurati autore di M. Il figlio del secolo, Department of Modern Language and Literature, Johns Hopkins University
- Fall 2019-Spring 2020: Lecture cycle in Italian Studies, Department of Modern Language and Literature, Johns Hopkins University
- 29.03.2017: L’imagination efficace. XVe-XVIe siècle, Workshop at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
- 25.11.2016: Le Pouvoir se met en scène. Le Pouvoir et ses publics à l’époque moderne (XVI-XVIII siècles). ENS-Lyon
- 2013-2014: Journées d’études italiennes, Seminar cycle in Italian Studies, ENS-Paris
- 2015-2017: Co-foundation of the 2-years research unit REPHAM (Représentations et Exercice du Pouvoir: l’Héritage Antique à l’époque Moderne). ENS-Lyon
TRAINING (A SELECTION) - 2021-2022:Johns Hopkins Teaching Academy: teaching practices and critical pedagogy.
- Fall 2021:Public Speaking in Academia. AS Center for Language Education, Johns Hopkins University
- Fall 2021: Advanced Grammar and Academic Writing. AS Center for Language Education, Johns Hopkins University
- 2016-2017:Scuola di Politiche (School of Policies), AREL (Agency for research and legislation), Rome
- 17.082016-02.09.2016: European Forum Alpbach
- 07-08.2014: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Scholarship for a linguistic course in Berlin
- 09.2013: Apprenticeship in the German primary school ‘St. Laurentius’ in Wörth a.d. Isar, Bayern
- 07-09.2013: InterDaf e.V. am Herder-Institut d. Universität Leipzig. Linguistic stay in Leipzig
- Associated researcher at the Institut d’Histoire des Répresentations et des Idées dans les Modérnités (IHRIM-ENS Lyon)
- ARS RoSa. Centro studi su Ragion di Stato e Democrazia
- Collaborateur scientifique at the ULB Centre d’Études en Philosophie (PHI)
- NeMLA – North American Modern Language Association
- RSA – Renaissance Society of America
- AAIS – American Association of Italian Studies
Italian: native
French: fluent
English: fluent (toefl certificate)
German: B1/B2 certificate
Spanish: good working knowledge
Ancient Greek and Latin
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