Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)

Adjunct professor in the Master's Degree in Economics and Management of the Arts (Production, Reception, and Consumption of Music), currently teaching at the Institute of Sonology of the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (NL). Previously, he held a teaching position at the State Conservatory of Music "C. Pollini" in Padua (teaching Bibliography and Music Librarianship, as well as History and Analysis of Electroacoustic Repertoire at the Electronic Music School).

He studied philosophy (earned a degree from the University of Siena), completed a Ph.D. in musicology at the University of Milan, and subsequently obtained national qualification for university teaching.

His research areas include contemporary musical repertoires (aesthetics, analysis, cultural history) and the history of musical technologies.

He has taught, given lectures, and conducted workshops on behalf of various European and American academic institutions, including Harvard University, Mills College (California), Bard College (New York), Université de Montréal, Technische Universität (Berlin), Universität München, IRCAM (Paris), Accademia di Santa Cecilia (Rome), and numerous Italian universities.

He has published numerous essays in different languages and edited publications related to various musical repertoires (see 'Publications').

He is one of the founders of the Luigi Nono Archive in Venice and, together with Giovanni Morelli, established the international journal "AAA/TAC" (Acoustical Arts and Artifacts / Technology, Aesthetics, Communication) published by the G. Cini Foundation in Venice, as well as the publication series of the Luigi Nono Archive.

As an organizer and curator, he is responsible for the music programming at the Center for Student Art of the University of Padua. He founded and directed (1998-2003) the Italian Center of Information for Contemporary Music (AMIC) on behalf of Cidim (CIM-UNESCO) and curated the music section of the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean in 1999. Additionally, he curated, along with F. and R. Masotti and R. Taroni, the first Italian initiative on sound art titled "Sonorità Prospettiche" (Rimini 1982).

He has collaborated on educational activities at the Venice Music Biennale and the music programming of the Radio della Svizzera Italiana.

He is also active as an electroacoustic performer and is particularly involved in a program of 'acousmatic restitutions' or 'phonographic concerts', where electroacoustic and recorded works are presented as a multichannel listening experience.