Francesca MASI

Associate Professor
Member of the Steering Committee of the "Observatory of International Relations and Politics (OPRI)"
Department Delegate for Teaching
041 234 7249
Scientific sector (SSD)
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Francesca Masi

Curriculum vitae


Academic Position


- Disciplinary-Scientific Area: M-FIL / 07 - History of ancient philosophy

- Qualification: Associate Professor

- Seniority in the role: 01/11/2018

- University Headquarters: University Ca’ Foscari of Venice

- Affiliation structure: Department of Philosophy and cultural heritage

- Positions previously held:

·       Temporary researcher (type B) at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (1/11/2015-31/10/18)

·       Temporary researcher (type A) at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (23/12/2011-31/10/2015)




Academic Responsibilities


- Coordinator of the Degree Programme in Philosophy, International and Economic Studies, at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (01-10-2020-today)

- Member of the teaching board of Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Development, at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, from 01-10-2020 to today

- Member of the Teaching Board of the International College of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice from 01-12-2020 to today.


Scientific responsibility for international and national research projects, admitted for funding on the basis of competitive calls including peer review

Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Supporting Principal Ivestigator” (SPIN), of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Science and philosophical debates: A new approach towards ancient Epicureanism (SPIDER).
Direction or participation in editorial committees of journals, book series, encyclopedias e treatises of recognized prestige


-Member of the editorial committee of Syzetesis from 01-11-2020




-member of the scientific board of SISFA (Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia Antica)

-Member of the scientific board of ESAP (European Society of Ancient Philosophy)


Participations as a speaker in national and international conferences and seminars

Paris, 25th-27th May 2021, ‘Teoria del Linguaggio, terminologia e polemiche linguistiche nelle opere di Epicuro’, workshop, organized by P, M. Morel, S. Marchand, Theory of Language and Scientific Lexicon in Epicureanism, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Bologna, 19th February 2021, ‘La teoria onirica epicurea’, Seminari Rodolfo Mondolfo: Sogno e Aporia, organized by. C. Capuccino and W. Cavini, Università degli Studi di Bologna.

Naples, 20th-23rd January 2020, ‘Il tema del phantasma nelle opere psicologiche di Aristotele’ in ‘Eidolon /phantasma’, Seminar organized by F. Aronadio, L. Palumbo, M. Serra at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici.

Paris, 8th-9th November 2019, ‘Aristotle, Posterior Analytics I 4’ (Workshop “Science and demonstration, Aristotle, Posterior Analytics”, Book I, organized by Pierre-Marie Morel, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Athens, 11th-14th April 2019, ‘Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II.11, 94b27-37’, (25th Conference of the European Society for Ancient Philosophy, organized by S. Rangos).

Naples, 28th February ‘L’origine dell’errore e del turbamento emotivo nel XXXIV libro Sulla natura di Epicuro, col. XV’ (International Conference ‘Vedere’ l’invisibile. Rileggendo il XXXIV libro Sulla natura di Epicuro PHerc 1438, organized by da G. Leone, F. Masi, F. Verde)

Stockholm, 10-12 maggio 2018, 'Norms and nature: Epicurus on Agency' Workshop "Norms and Nature from Plato to Hume", organized by Henrik Lagerlund e Gösta Grönroos, Stockholm University.

Trento, 3rd-4 th maggio 2018, 'Epicuro e la formazione di sé: pathologikos e aitiologikos tropos', National Conference ''La volontarietà dell'azione tra Antichità e Medioevo'', organized by F. De Luise e I. Zavattero, University of Trento.

Oxford, 1st March 2018, 'The distinction between chance and luck: Aristotle Physics II 6' , Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford.

Aix en Provence, 6th December 2017, 'Lucrèce et l'illusion onirique' - Séminaire d'Histoire de la philosophie ancienne, Faculté ALLSH - Académie Aix-en-Provence-Marseilles.

Athens, 26th July 2017, 'Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics II 6', Symposium Aristotelicum organized by Hendrik Lorenz e Ben Morrison, Princeton University, Athens.

L'Aquila, 29th May 2017, ' La sostanza nelle "Categorie" di Aristotele: lettura analitica del cap. 5', International Conference, " La sostanza in Aristotele con alcune riprese arabe e medievali", Organized by A. Longo, Università degli Studi de l'Aquila

Milano, 10th  November 2016, "La dimensione emotiva della giustizia: Aristotele, EN V", Internationa confernce organized by the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milano, Aristotele e le sfide del suo tempo.

Athens, 18th March 2016 - "Temporal priority of actuality over potentiality. Aristotle, Metaphysics, Theta 8, 1049b17-1050a3", ESAP Annual Conference.

Roma, 22nd January 2016 - "Sognare oggetti nascosti. La fisiologia onirica in Epicuro, Lucrezio e Diogene di Enoanda", SISFA Conference.

Como, 16th September 2015 - Villa Vigoni: "La definizione aristotelica di movimento e la critica ai predecessori", Colloque: Cosmology, Physics and Biology in the Ancient Thought (II) Soul, Life and Movement Before and During the Creation of the Universe, held on 15th and16th September 2015.  

Salerno- Fisciano, 29th May 2015 - "Come un architetto sta a un calzolaio: questioni aperte sulla nozione aristotelica di giusto commutativo" (National Seminar of History of Ancient Philosophy, 28-30th May, University of Salerno-Fisciano, organized by F. Ferrari e M. Abbate).

Aquila, 15th Jenuary 2015 - "Il vuoto: Aristotele, Phys. IV 8" (National Reaserch Seminar "Natura, ontologia, semantica: la Fisica di Aristotele, coordinated by A. Longo, Univeristy of Studies of Aquila).

Roma, 12th December 2014 - “Natura e caso nella Fisica di Aristotele” (International Conference “Conformità alla natura”, 11-13th, December 2014, University La Sapienza of Rome, organized by F. Fronterotta e P.M. Morel).

Istanbul, 22th September 2014 - “Virtue, Pleasure and Cause. Diogenes of Oenoanda and the Stoics? (Diog. Oen. fr. 33 Smith)” (International Conference “Diogène d'Œnoanda: Épicurisme et Controverses Philosophiques - Istanbul/Muğla”, 22-24th September, Université Galatasaray, directed by P.M. Morel e J. Hammerstaedt).

Athens, 12th April 2014 - “Aristotle, Metaphysics Z 11 1036b 21 to 1036b 32” (Annual Conference European Society of Ancient Philosophy, organized by P. Dimas).

Aquila, 27th March 2014 - "L'infinito: Aristotele, Phys. III 4" (National Research Seminar "Natura, ontologia, semantica: la Fisica di Aristotele", coordinated by A. Longo, University of Studies of Aquila).

Venice, 20th February 2014 - “Dagli occhi alla mente: il cammino tortuoso degli eidola”, (International Conference “Epicuro, Sulla natura: novità e confronti”, 19-20th February 2014, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, organized by F. Masi, S. Maso e C. Natali).

Venice, 15th Novembre 2013 - “La struttura della causalità accidentale: la funzione della materia”, (International Conference “Materia e causa materiale in Aristotele”, 15-17th November 2013, organized by F. Masi; S. Maso; C. Natali within the research project PICS France-Italie- Brésil: AITIA. Dépendance causale, responsabilité et nécessité dans la pensée antique, dir. C. Natali, C. Viano, M. Zingano).

Marburg, 22th, February 2013 - “Aristotle and Epicurus on Agency” (Convegno internazionale “Anthropologie in Antike und Gegenwart. Medizinisch-biologische und philosophische Entwürfe vom Menschen”, 20-22th February, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, organized by Sabine Föllinger and Diego De Brasi).

Paris, 2nd June 2012 - “Indeterminisme et Autodetérmination: Aristote et Épicure”, (Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine “Permanence et mutations de l’aristotélisme dans le philosophies hellenistiques, Université Paris Sorbonne).

Athens, 16th April 2011 - “Aristotle, Physics B 5 197a 20-25” (Annual Conference of European Society of Ancient Philosophy, organized by P. Dimas).

Paris, 17th September 2010 - "Accidental causes" (Colloque International "Les quatre causes des Aristote", Centre Léon Robin CNRS Paris IV Sorbonne).

Padua, 28th April 2010 - "Aristotele, Analitici Secondi I 4: le nozioni di per sé e accidente", (Graduate Seminar of History of Ancient Philosophy of the Graduate School coordinated by E. Berti and C. Rossitto).

Bergamo, 20th Novembre 2008 - "Filosofia prima e accidente. Aristotele, Metaph. E 2" (National Conference "Oggetto e statuto della metafisica antica", University of Studies of Bergamo, organized by M. Bonelli, A. Bottani, R. Devies).

Berlin, 16th May 2008 - "Epicuro, Epistola a Erodoto 54-58", (Graduate Seminar of the Eastern European Society for Ancient Studies directed by C. Rapp, Humboldt Universität di Berlino).

Budapest, 22th July 2006 - "Epicurus, On nature, Book 25" (Training Course "Philosophy and Science in the Greco-Roman World", Central European University, Budapest, organized by G. Betegh and I. Bodnar).

Naples, 22nd April 2005 - "Per un testo unificato del XXV libro dell'opera Sulla natura" (Research of Herculanenses Papirology, Dipartment of Classical Philology "F. Arnaldi", University "Federico II" of Naples).

Venice, 26th March 2004 - "Formazione del carattere e perfettibilità morale nel Peri physeos di Epicuro" (National Conference "Causalità e determinismo nel mondo antico e moderno", Department Philosophy and Theory of Sciences, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, organized by F. Masi, S. Maso and C. Natali).

Cambridge, December 2003 - "Cicero, De fato, 44-48" (Graduate Seminar, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, held by Prof. D. Sedley).

Venice, 22th October 2002 - "Il concetto di causa nella filosofia epicurea" (National conference "Causalità e Determinismo nel mondo antico e moderno", Department Philosophy and Theory of Sciences, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, organized by F. Masi, S. Maso, C. Natali).