- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6339
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Storia delle religioni [HIST-04/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/scrippa (personal record)
- Office
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
- Born in Bologna on 4/6/1963 Sabina CRIPPA completed her university studies at the University of Bologna, where she graduated in Classical Literature (Greek literature); she was a research fellow of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche per l'estero at CNRS (1988). From 1999 to 2004 she was Research Fellow at the Faculty of Literature, University of Bologna. In 2002 she worked as an adjunct lecturer. Qualified as Maître de conférences by the CNU in France (adjunct lecturer). CNU Section no. 21: Histoire, civilisations, archéologie et art des mondes anciens et des mondes médiévaux. Qualification no. = 02221125287. DEA Fellow (dir. Detienne), holder of an Italian scholarship for doctorates abroad: Doctorate abroad at the EPHE Sorbona (dir. Marcel Detienne, J. Scheid). Appointed a researcher in History of Religions at the University of Modena (2004) and Ca' Foscari University of Venice (until 2016), then associate professor of History of Religions at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where she currently teaches History of Religions and History of Classical World Religions.
- Her research interests are focused on the following topics:
1) Transmission of knowledge in antiquity. 2) Voice/body. 3) GMP. Study of ritual forms in their components (linguistic, gestural etc.) present in the Greek Magical Papyri iof late antiquity. 4) Lexicon of voice in ancient Greek: phthongos. 5) Sibyls and prophetic forms. 6) Research on the Mediterranean traditions of the origin of language/voice. 7) Gender identity and language through the centuries. 8) Role of food in ancient ritual practices.
- She is the sole author of about 84 scientific works, including 1 monograph and 2 editorships. She has organised several national and international conferences; she has participated, by invitation, in about 83 conferences in Italy and abroad. She has been scientific director, as principal investigator, in the European ERC Multima programme. She has been part of numerous PRIN research projects.
1999: Recognition of the legal equivalence of research activity carried out abroad for at least three years to the service carried out at Italian universities as a result of the approval of the Consiglio Universitario Nazionale – Ministry of Education, University and Research. 2004: Research Contract at University of Bologna in the MARCO POLO Project for young researchers - European Service at CNRS Paris. Award/incentive for ERC international research: Application ERC SyG 2012. 2012: History of Religions Award - Associazione scientifica Raffaele Pettazzoni, Velletri-Rome.
Editorships and scientific editorial boards: Since 2012 member of the scientific and editorial board of Civiltà e Religioni directed by P. Scarpi and M. Massenzio, University of Padua, ed. Webster. Since 2012 member of the scientific committee ed. Quasar, series Storia delle Religioni. Since 2014 participation in the creation of entries in the Encyclopedia Dictionnaire de la Méditerrannée CNRS Paris, EHESS Actes, ed. Actes du sud. Since 2016 member of the scientific committee of the Museo delle Religioni R. Pettazzoni, ed. Quasar. 2009. Commissioner in Application Process for University Researcher, University of Florence - M/STO 06, History of Religions. From 2011 (10/12) to 2012 Member of the Teaching Committee of History and Archaeology, coordinator Prof. Antonetti, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Since 2012 (September) Member of the Doctoral Committee of History and Archaeology, co-ordinator Prof. Carinci, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Since 2013 Member of the Doctoral Committee of the Venice-Trieste-Udine Consortium Doctorate, coordinator Prof. Carinci, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. 2016. Supervisor of the doctoral candidate Irina Putina (University of Tula-Russia) within the Erasmus + Ka1 project, International Credit Mobility programme, 8 months DSU, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. From 2017-2019 she was a member of the Teaching Committee of the Master's Degree in Ancient Civilisations. Since 27th April 2018 she has been a full member of the Department Committee of History of Religions. Based in Rome.
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