Giuliana GIUSTI

Full Professor
Quality Assurance Delegate
Effective representative of University's Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Well-being and Inclusion Committee
041 234 5723
Scientific sector (SSD)
Glottologia e linguistica [GLOT-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Where: Ca' Bembo

Graduates cume laude in Languages at Ca' Foscari in German Linguistics Zur Syntax der Infinitivkonstruktion mit zu im Deutschen, In 1985/86 is exchage graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley nel 1985/6. In the Sommersemester 1987 is Geprufte Hilfskraft presso la cattedra di Romanistica (prof. Schwarze), University of Konstanz. In 1987-1992 attends the PhD program graduating with a dissertation La sintassi dei sintagmi nominali quantificati. Uno studio comparativo. During the PdD program attends postgraduate course at the University of Washington Seattle (January1989), University of Ginevra (October-December 1989), MIT e Harvard (October-November 1990). Post-doc researcher at Ca' Foscari in 1993/94 e 1995/96.

English teacher with tenure in public high schools from October 1992 to October 2000. In November 2000 is hired at Ca' Foscari, first as a researcher, then as an associate professor (2005 - 2017), then as a full professor in general linguistics. She has been the coordinator of BA and MA programs in Linguistics, the departmental delegate for teaching and quality assurance, and the president of the equal opportunity committee of the University.

She is co-director of Annali di Ca' Foscari Serie Occidentale, member of the board of Lingua, 2005-2009, 2018-; reviewer of major linguistic journals and conferences. 

She was local PI of COVCELL (Cohort Oriented Virtual Campus for Effective language learning (2005-2007); member of FIRB La ricerca fondamentale sul linguaggio al servizio della lingua italiana: documentazione, acquisizione monolingue, bilingue e L2 e ideazione di prodotti multimediali diretto dalla prof. A. Belletti (U. Siena) and of many nationally relevant projects. In the framework of the Department of Excellence  scheme (2017-22), she is the coordinator of VariOpInTa, currently in progress.

She was research fellow all'Università di Cambridge in 2011 with the project Structural Protocolls for linguistic awareness enhancing inclusive language identity, rechercheure invitée at Paris VII Diderot in2012, visiting professor at UAB in Nov 2021-Mar 2022). On June 3, 2015, she was nominated honorary professor at the Faculty of Languages of the University of Bucarest.

Her research activity covers various aspects of formal analysis, including nominal expressions in comparison with parallel phenomena in the sentence. She also deals with attrition and interference in translation, first and second language acquisition, diachronic change and synchronic analysis of previous stages of natural languages, and the comparative syntax of Germanic, Romance, and Balkan languages. She is particularly interested in the dissemination of metalinguistic awareness at the service of L1 and foreign language teaching for all, with particular regard to students with atypical language development. For more than two decades she has been involved in promoting language policies for greater visibility of women in management roles, in administrative interactions, and in the media.

She is among the founders and the director of Centro Studi sul Multilinguismo