Pierantonio ZANOTTI

Associate Professor
Director's Delegate for Teaching and Education
041 234 9570
Scientific sector (SSD)
Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
www.unive.it/people/pierantonio.zanotti (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin

Office hours


Published on 10/01/2025

Segnalo la seguente opportunità:


Published on 09/01/2025

Si pubblicano in allegato gli esiti della prova al computer del 2.1 dell'8 gennaio 2025 per la partizione D-L.

L'idoneità è ottenuta con un minimo di 42/60 risposte corrette per la parte di kanji e un minimo di 31/45 risposte corrette per la parte di grammatica.

Le prove potranno essere visionate durante un ricevimento online riservato alla partizione D-L venerdì 10 gennaio, dalle 15 alle 16.30. Non sono necessari prenotazione o preavviso.

Questo è il link:


Published on 31/12/2024

Ricevo e segnalo:

The department of East Asian Studies and the Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Université Paris Cité invite applications for scholarships SMARTS-UP for Master degree in Japanese Studies for AY 2025-2026.

The SMARTS-UP program of Université Paris Cité aims at promoting the internationalization of Master's courses and attracting the best foreign students. For 2025-2026, 160 grants of 10,000 € are available for incoming foreign students in the various Master programs at our university.

Candidates should submit their application online between the 1st of December 2024 and the 17th of January 2025 (17:00, Central European Time). 


Please see the below link for detailed application guidelines :


Published on 31/12/2024

Ricevo e segnalo:



The Institute for Japanese Studies at Ghent University is inviting candidates for doctoral fellowships funded for 4 years by the Flemish Government (FWO, PhD Fundamental Research Fellowship). The call is open until March 3, 2025, and successful applicants can start their doctoral studies on Nov 1, 2025. Candidates will apply directly to the FWO.

Our Institute for Japanese Studies in Ghent offers a vibrant, international, and supportive research and work environment, and we have been successful in attracting FWO scholarships in the past. Should you be interested in joining us in Ghent, please contact us beforehand to discuss your doctoral research topic and see whether your project would fit within the research conducted in Ghent. By following this link: https://www.japan.ugent.be/over-ons/medewerkers/, you will find potential promotors for your project and information about their research focus.



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