Research Grant Holder
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

Francesca Iannarilli graduated in Archaeology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2012, and then completed her PhD in Ancient History and Archaeology at Ca' Foscari - University of Venice in 2016, with a thesis in Egyptology entitled: "Elaboration and manipulation of the human figure in the Pyramid Texts".  

Since 2014 she has been a member and then field director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan - Jebel Barkal. As part of this activity she coordinated the exhibition 2019/2020 "Il Leone e la Montagna. Italian excavations in Sudan" hosted in Rome and Venice, and the exhibition 2022 “Italian Archaeologists under the Mountain. Sanam Abu Dom – Jebel Barkal”, hosted at Jebel Barkal Museum in Karima (Sudan). 

Since 2016 she has been working as archaeologist and specialist consultant for the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro (ISCR) within the Conservation Project of the Mut Temple, at Gebel Barkal, Sudan. 

She is currently working as a Research Fellow on the project "Tradition of the Book of the Dead" which is part of the PRIN 2022: "Tradition Processing (TRA.PRO). Forms and patterns in the transmission and tradition of the Book of the Dead" (PI: Prof. E.M. Ciampini), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

From 2020 to 2023, she worked on the 'Ancient Egyptian/Italian Dictionary', part of the 'Ancient Near East Dictionaries' programme supported by the C.A. Nallino Institute for the Orient and the National Academic Union. The research consisted of an analytical lexicographic collection of the funerary corpora of the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts. Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

From 2018 to 2020, she was a research fellow at the same university for the project 'Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan - Jebel Barkal: Updating the documentation and bibliography for the publication of the excavation', Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan-QSAP34.

Lecturer in Egyptology for Scuola Interateneo di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici (SISBA) in Venice, Udine and Trieste.

Member of Editorial Board of: "Religions and History". Quasar Editions (Director: Prof. S. Ribichini).

Subject expert in Egyptology for the chairs of Ca' Foscari (Prof. E. M. Ciampini) and Roma Sapienza (Prof. P. Buzi).

Tutor for the chair of Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Milan (Prof. P. Piacentini).